Information for refugees from Ukraine NB – find useful links and contacts below the text

Information for refugees from Ukraine NB – find useful links and contacts below the text
Border crossing
If you are fleeing the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, you will be admitted to Poland.
If you do not have a place to stay in Poland, go to the nearest reception point.
At the reception point: you will receive more detailed information about your stay in Poland, we will provide you with temporary accommodation in Poland, you will receive a hot meal, drink, basic medical assistance and a place to rest.
If you are escaping from an armed conflict in Ukraine, do not worry that you do not have documents allowing you to enter Poland. You will be admitted to Poland. Take the most important documents with you - internal passport, foreign passport (if you have one), birth certificates of children traveling with you, medical documentation.
Border crossings can also be crossed on foot.
If you travel with animals - dogs, cats, ferrets must have a microchip and vaccination, the rest (rodents, rabbits, amphibians, reptiles, ornamental aquatic animals, invertebrates) without restrictions, but the decision will be made when crossing the border by the National Revenue Administration.
Decisions related to the transported movable property (e.g. a car) are taken by the National Revenue Administration when crossing the border.
Poland has no influence on the border procedures applicable when crossing the Ukrainian border.
Stay in Poland
If you do not have accommodation in Poland, you will get the necessary information at the reception points near the border.
You have access to Polish health care.
If you are already in Poland, don't worry about ending your legal stay. We will make sure that your legal stay is extended.
Note: registration at the reception point is not obligatory.
If you have not found the information you need, call the hotline: +48 47 721 75 75.
If you need information on the detailed rules of crossing the border, please contact the Border Guard: +48 82 568 51 19.
There are information points and helplines in the largest Polish cities.
Below, you will find the links with essential and helpful information. The links will be updated and multiplied.