Polish Limited Liability Company (LLC) — Sp. z o.o. (spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnością) is the most popular form of doing business and investing in Poland. Approximately 94 % of company incorporations and foreign investments in Poland are carried out in the corporate form of LLC. Although Polish Company Law provides number of alternative corporate forms – each of them brings some disadvantages (e.g. JSC — high level of bureaucracy, Partnership — no liability limitation). For this reasons investors in Poland most usually select LLCs as their Investment SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles).
Our Polish lawyers usually recommend to invest in Poland this corporate form (Limited Liability Company) for the following reasons:
Time required for Limited Liability company formation depends on the chosen mode of incorporation:
Polish Limited Liability company is an independent legal entity with a separate legal personality from its shareholders. In practice it mean that it can buy and sell goods, as well as, hold credits and debts on its own name.
EU nationals can establish and run a companies in Poland free of any restrictions. Non-EU nationals can also freely establish and run Polish company, however in some matter they are up to restrictions provided by law. For example Polish LLC Company with more then 50 % of non-EU capital may purchase a real property in Poland only after obtaining permission form the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or Ministry of Agriculture in case of agricultural properties).
Minimum share capital of Polish Limited Liability Company is 5.000 PLN (approx. 1.250 EUR). The share capital may be covered by monetary or non-monetary contributions (in-kind contributions, e.g. ownership of the movable or immovable property). Contribution cannot be provided in the form of services towards the company.
Polish Limited Liability Company is represented by a the Board Directors. The Board shall consist at least of one person. There is no limit as to number of Directors. Rules of representation can be freely formed in the Articles of Association of the Company. A company may be also represented by regular proxy (pełnomocnik) or a registered proxy (prokurent).
Superior authority of a Polish Limited Liability Company is Shareholders Meeting. A Supervisory Board in Polish Limited Liability company is only compulsory when the share capital is greater then 500.000 zł and the number of shareholders is greater then 25.
As every Polish LLC is a separate legal entity, it is taxed by Corporate Income Tax (CIT).
CIT is imposed on the total income from all sources (reduced by deductions) at the rate of 9% for profits up to 2 mln EUR and 19 % for higher profits. Since 1 January 2022 Polish Tax Law provides 0 % tax on profit retention (Estonian CIT).
Dividends released by the company are taxed separately.
The shareholders in Polish Limited Liability are not liable for the company’s obligations, they bear a risk up to the value of shares contributed. Directors of Polish Limited Liability Company may be held liable for the company’s obligations if they fail to file for insolvency within the deadline provided by Polish Insolvency Law (i.e. within 30 days since the company became insolvent).
Our Polish corporate lawyers are advising and represent clients in the company incorporation process to make it as simple as possible.
As a result of the above steps, you would get
Company registration inquiries shall be addressed to: office@studyinpoland.info , we will do our best to answer your e-mail within 24 hours.