Jet Radar


About Jetradar

Airline tickets to 220 countries

Jetradar offers you the cheapest tickets for flights to any country in the world. We search for tickets from leading agencies and 728 airlines, and we find the best deals absolutely free.

Below you will find a list of 220 countries that you can fly to. You can use the search bar by entering the name or IATA code of the country you want tickets for. You can also filter the list based on visa requirements.

Aviasales — cheap flights search

Aviasales is one of the largest online search engines for flights all over the world. Its sister-brand, Aviasales, is a popular service that online users also appeal to while seeking the best airline prices.

This service helps thousands of people compare airfares from 726 airlines and dozens of travel agencies and systems. Thanks to the Aviasales, it is possible for users to track down special offers from carriers and book the cheapest tickets available.

Also, the service provides travelers with great deals on different directions (domestic or international flights). By providing these unique offers, the service has already earned the loyalty of many consumers.


  • The innovative flight search will not only find the best option for your specific dates, but it will also offer another period when the cost may be even lower.

  • The site contains the largest database of special offers from airlines flying within Russia and into Russia from abroad. The editors have direct contacts with many airlines and receive information about promotions sometimes before they are published on the website.

  • Cookie lifetime is 30 days with renewal. If the user searches for tickets within 30 days, Aviasales will renew the user’s cookies for another 30 days each time they perform a search. Thus, the lifetime of cookies in Aviasales affiliate program can be eternal, which is not offered by any other travel affiliate program!

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