Step-by-step guide to studying Poland


Studying in any foreign institute requires a set of procedures. Study in Poland ThinkNew provides you with all the necessary tips and guidance to get your admission in Poland successfully. 

Have a look at the following steps to know what you need to do to study in Poland.

Updated on Jan 02, 2021

You must spend a good amount of time in research to understand the education system in Poland, their universities and the courses they offer. This will help you in making a clear decision that you won’t regret later. While most of the information is available on the internet, you should also discuss your plans with your friends and relatives.

When you investigate the courses and universities, look into their teaching methods, and the employment opportunities they provide. You should reach out to the alumni of universities and get a better insight. You can also use social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for the same. ThinkNew provides you with news and articles related to studying overseas that will help you make your decision.

Once you have shortlisted a list of universities to consider, you should make an appointment with an education counsellor. Professional counsellors can give you an in-depth understanding of studying overseas. They will also guide through the different processes for reaching out to different universities.

Study in Poland ThinkNew provides you with professional counsellors that can effectively guide you. You should provide them with all the little details which will affect the choice of your university and course. They consider all your demands and will help you in deciding the best university in Poland for you.

Getting your passport would open a world of possibilities for you. This should be the first thing you should apply for if you want to study overseas or even visit any foreign place for a small period. It would also serve as the most authentic identity certificate for you.

After confirming the choice of your university, it would be time to apply. Your counsellor can provide you with all the necessary resources and will guide you through the method which can be done online. Qualifying tests like IELTS can come in handy to prove your English proficiency to certain universities. However, in most universities in Poland, it is not mandatory. It would be enough if you had your entire education in English.

Certain universities and courses may demand a Curriculum Vitae or a CV. This will enlist all your major qualifications including educational profile, jobs and internships that you might have completed. You should update your CV before you apply for a certain course in Poland.

Many universities in Poland may also demand a Statement of Purpose. This means stating your perspective regarding your education and your life. You may write it as a motivational letter that will present why you want to pursue a particular university. This will also be helpful for the applicant as they reaffirm their reasons for going to Poland.

A Letter of Recommendation can be considered essential to apply in certain universities. This would be a positive letter reaffirming your character by certain seniors that you have worked with. You may ask your teachers or any of your employers for a LOR. It is good to collect two or three of them by your past supervisors and university professors.

After you submit your application with the given documents, you may have to wait for a certain period for your university to assess it and give you a notification. It might take a few days to a few weeks according to your course.

You will get an offer letter once your application is accepted. While this may be happy news, you must take time to scrutinize it along with your counselor to check for any terms and conditions. If you have chosen more than one course, this would be the time to confirm the final course you wish to study.

Another crucial step to getting into a Polish university is to apostille all your educational documents so that they are considered legal in Poland. You will have to get your degree certificate of all semesters, PUC, and SSLC mark sheets.

Several universities in Poland will ask for your transcripts of college degrees. You may have to go back to your previous universities to collect your transcripts. The process may take some weeks.

If you want to study in Poland, a university won’t be enough. You should have convenient and cheap accommodation as well. Apply for the hostels in your particular university. You may also go for other public hostels or dorms that may be present around your university. Make sure that they have all the resources and get a copy of the rental agreement.

Most students prefer to apply for an education loan if they want to study overseas. You will have to cover your tuition fees, costs of living and travelling. While your loan application may be easily approved, bank processes may take time to process. This should be done on time so that you become secure about your finances before going to Poland.

Getting a VISA to study in Poland might be amongst the toughest things to do. You will have to spend a lot of time in several offices to get this done right. You might need a lot of documents and have several interviews to get your VISA on time. It is also the most crucial step and you should be careful in each step of this process.

Getting health insurance is an important step to getting your VISA successfully. It would be mandatory to produce this document during the VISA interview. This insurance would also be useful in covering all your health expenses in Poland.

You should also get all mandatory health check-ups done before you leave for Poland so that your health won’t be a problem for your stay in Poland.

You will have to book your flight to Poland before your VISA interview takes place. You will be doing this after all the above processes are completed. Make sure that all your finances are secured and you stay in Poland is confirmed.

The moment you are about to leave your motherland would be overwhelming in several ways. You have waited for this moment for a long time and you will realize, there would be a lot of anticipation that you may have collected for your life in Poland. Have a good time with your friends and family before you leave your hometown and your country. You may be seeing them after a long time, so make the best of the time you have got.

Poland may be known for its extreme cold but it is a welcoming country for foreign students. You don’t need to qualify exams like IELTS if you have all the requirements as above. Stay optimistic and be open to learning and experiences.

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