Success Stories from Our Global Clients

A graduate of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of Economics.
“My professional career started in an Information Centre just after my graduation. From the very beginning, I was convinced that thanks to my studies I was well prepared for creative work, was self-reliant too, which fact helped me fulfil my aims.
I worked and continued my study in European Economy – a newly opened field of study. I found out later that European Funds became my future career.
Since 2007 I’ve been working for the Bureau of Aid Funds of Miejsce Piastowe Municipal Office. I’m in charge of “soft” projects, which means obtaining funds for non-governmental organizations and schools. The range of projects I prepare, finalize and settle is really wide. They include training, extra curriculum classes for schools, and also cross-border cooperation programmes and the ones which prevent digital exclusion.
One of my first projects was called “Nursery Clubs – Alternative Forms of Nursery Education”. Within this project, in towns and villages in which there were no places as such, I opened free of charge nursery points for 3-5-year-old children. This project was recognized as the best one in Podkarpackie province in the “Friendly Village” competition held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Poland.
Working for non-governmental organizations brings me a lot of pleasure. For three years I coordinated a fund which awarded scholarships to ambitious first-year students. Now I’m a member of the Project Evaluation Council under the LEADER Programme. This programme supports social activity by financing interesting initiatives in rural areas.
My study period, even though it was external, was full of great friendships which last till now. At work, I have met a lot of UITM graduates who often hold managerial positions. It proves that the knowledge and skills provided by this university are of great value on the current labour market.”