Average cost of living in Poland
The World ranking
Popular courses
Total average cost: €330
Living in Poland as a student is relatively affordable compared to other European Union countries. The cost of living for students can start from 1500 PLN (330 EUR) a month. However, the prices depend on the city you are currently living in. Living in the capital and tourism city might be slightly expensive than other Polish big cities. On this page, you will find out how much it costs to live in Poland for a month. Please remember, that to be able to study in Poland non-EU/EEA students have to possess sufficient means to cover the living costs.
Living Costs in Polish Big Cities
Some popular cities for study destinations in Poland are Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lodz, and Katowice. Comparison of living costs can be done through monthly expenses for student dormitory and public transportation tickets. Now, let's take a look! Which city offers the most suitable living cost for you?
Attachments required during application for first-cycle degree programmes
- curriculum vitae
- scan of a secondary school-leaving certificate with legalization (or an apostille) entitling to apply for admission to degree programmes at universities of any type in the country where the document was issued
- scan of a supplement with grades together with a scale of grades* confirmed by the school
- scan of an official document confirming knowledge of the language in which the studies will be conducted (Polish or English)
- scan of a passport page with a photo and personal data
- scan of a photo in an official outfit on a light background
Attention! In some cases it may be necessary to upload additional documents to calculate your grades - more details in the section: ADMISSION RATE.
Attachments required during application for second-cycle degree programmes
- curriculum vitae
- scan of a higher education diploma with legalization (or an apostille), entitling to apply for admission to second-cycle degree programmes at universities of any type in the country in which the document was issued
- scan of a supplement with grades or another official document covering subjects passed by the candidate in the studies completed so far, including lectures, auditorium classes, laboratory classes, seminars, projects etc. together with a scale of grades* confirmed by the university that the candidate graduated from
- scan of a passport page with a photo and personal data
- scan of a photo in an official outfit on a light background
* scale of grades is an official document with the information, which grade in a transcript of records/diploma supplement is the lowest one, which is minimum passing one, which is fail etc. This document should be confirmed - i.e. signed and stamped - by the school/university the candidate graduated from or by an appropriate institution (e.g. education ministry, embassy).
Scale of grades may also be issued by an appropriate ENIC-NARIC centre.
The scale of grades should also be translated.
Samples of scales of grades: Angola (1), Angola (2), Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Kenia (1), Kenia (2), Ukraine (1), Ukraine (2), Ukrainie (3), Ukraine (4), Ukraine (5)
In addition to required documents, all candidates are obliged to take an on-line entrance examination for the second-cycle degree programmes.
A set of questions for the on-line entrance examination is available HERE.
The deadlines of the on-line entrance examination are available HERE.
Documents related to education
Non-nationals may apply for admission to the FIRST-CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMMES if they are holders of Polish secondary-school leaving certificate, or certificate or another document granted abroad, legalised or marked with apostille and entitling to apply for admission to degree programmes at universities of every type in the country in the system of which acts the institution issuing the certificate and the certificate is recognized as equivalent to the relevant Polish secondary school-leaving certificate.
Non-nationals may apply for admission to the SECOND-CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMMES if they are holders of a Polish higher education diploma of the first-cycle programme, or certificate or another document granted abroad, legalised or marked with apostille, and entitling to enrol on the second-cycle degree programme in the country in which it has been issued and recognized as equivalent to the relevant Polish diploma of completion of the first-cycle degree programme
- Language documents
In case of applying for admission to the first-cycle degree programmes in Polish, the documents confirming knowledge of the language of studies include:
- a secondary school-leaving certificate ("świadectwo dojrzałości") obtained in the Polish education system;
- a certificate or statement of completing a one-year preparatory course to study in Polish in entities designated by the minister responsible for higher education at the minimum level of B-2;
- a certificate of knowledge of Polish language issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Knowledge of Polish as a Foreign Language at the minimum level of B-2 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (http://certyfikatpolski.pl/system-certyfikacji/panstwowa-komisja/);
- a certificate issued by the AGH UST Department of Foreign Languages confirming the use of Polish at the minimum level of B-2 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- a certificate or statement confirming knowledge of Polish at the minimum level of B-2 within the meaning of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages issued by a language school or any other educational institution conducting Polish language courses;
- a higher education diploma (at least a first-cycle degree) from studies held in Polish language or a certificate of graduation with information about professional title obtained together with the university's annotation of the lecture language if the diploma has not yet been released to the candidate.
- In case the candidate does not upload a scan of the required document, he/she will need to take an online examination confirming knowledge of Polish language. Details will be available in e-Rekrutacja system..
In case of applying for admission to the first-cycle degree progammes in English, the documents confirming knowledge of the language of studies include:- a document confirming knowledge of English language, listed in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Prime Minister of 16 December 2009 on the manner of conducting qualification proceedings in the civil service (Journal of Laws 2009 No. 218, item 1695) at the minimum level of B-2, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- a certificate, diploma or another document confirming the completion of a post-primary school abroad in which classes were conducted in English language;
- certificate issued by the AGH UST Department of Foreign Languages confirming the use of the English language at the minimum level of B-2, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- a certificate or statement confirming knowledge of English language at the minimum level of B-2, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, issued by a language school or educational institution conducting examinations or/and English language courses.
- a graduation diploma issued in Poland (at least a first cycle degree) from studies held in English language or a certificate of graduation with information about professional title obtained together with the university's annotation on the lecture language if the diploma has not yet been released to the candidate.
- In case the candidate does not upload a scan of the required document, he/she will need to take an online examination confirming knowledge of English language. Details will be available in e-Rekrutacja system.
In case of applying for admission to the second-cycle degree programmes, a positive result of the entrance examination for studies confirms the use of the language in which the studies will be conducted, at the minimum level of B-2.
Document translations
NOTE!!! At the stage of the qualification procedure, the documents should be attached in the form of scans of the originals sent via the application form, except that if submitted in a foreign language, the Department for International Students can request a translation into Polish issued by:- a person put by the Minister of Justice on the list of sworn translators or
- a person registered as a sworn translator in a member state of the European Union, a member state of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) - party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), or
- a consul of the Republic of Poland, competent for the country on whose territory or in whose education system the given certificate or diploma was issued, or
- a diplomatic representation or consular office, accredited in the Republic of Poland, of the country on whose territory or in whose education system the given certificate or diploma was issued and submitted not later than during the registration for studies.
Search tool of sworn translators is available HERE (in Polish).
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