Are you familiar with the following Polish abbreviations shortened form?


21 May 2020


They help to save time and accelerate contact. You know what they say, of course. See if you know these traditional polish abbreviations and acronyms!

Rules on punctuation

Polish punctuation rules are identical to those in British English when it comes to the writing of abbreviations. Complete stops in abbreviations like the first and last letters of a name, for instance, nr (Number) dr should generally be omitted (doktor). Complete stops should adopt other abbreviations. The exception to this law is time units, such as minuta or measuring units (cm, mm, km).

Popular shortcuts

Polish Abbreviation Meaning English Abbreviation
br. bieżący rok/bieżącego roku (current year) -
cd. ciąg dalszy (continued) cont.
cdn. ciąg dalszy nastąpi (to be continued) TBC
godz. godzina (hour) h/hr
itp. i tym podobne (and the like) etc.
itd. i tak dalej (and so on) etc.
jw. jak wyżej (ditto, as stated above) do. między innymi (among other things) i.a.
min minuta/y (minute/s) min
np. na przykład (for example) e.g.
nr numer (number) no.
pt. pod tytułem (entitled) -
r. rok (year) yr*
śp. świętej pamięci (the late...) R.I.P.
św. święty, święta (Saint) St
tj. to jest (that is) i.e.
tzn. to znaczy (that is) i.e.
tzw. tak zwany (so-called) -
ul. ulica (street) st

*note that while there is an abbreviation for "year" in the English language, the word is used in different contexts than the Polish "rok". The letter "r." in Polish is sometimes placed after dates to indicate the word "year", e.g. 15 maja 2020 r.

Titles and Forms of Address

Polish Abbreviation Meaning English Abbreviation
dr doktor (doctor) Dr
dyr. dyrektor (director) Dir.
inż inżynier (a professional title, a degree often translated as BEng or MEng) -
lic. licencjat ( a degree awarded upon completion of first-cycle study programmes - often translated as BA or BSc) -
mgr magister (a professional title, a degree awarded upon completion of second-cycle study programmes - often translated as MA or MSc) -
p. pani/pan (Mrs/Ms/Mr) Mr/Mrs/Ms
p.o. pełniący obowiązki (acting - as in performing someone else's duties) -
prof. profesor (professor) prof.

International relations, companies and institutions

Polish Abbreviation Meaning English Abbreviation
NBP Narodowy Bank Polski (National Bank of Poland) -
ONZ Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (United Nations) UN
PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish State Railways) -
RP Rzeczpospolita Polska (The Republic of Poland) -
SA Spółka Akcyjna (a joint-stock company) -
sp. z o.o. Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (a private limited company) -
UE Unia Europejska (European Union) EU

Colloquial abbreviations, words of the internet

Luckily for non-native Polish speakers, English texting abbreviations (idk, by the way, ikr and so on) are as common in Poland as anywhere else. However, there are also several Polish abbreviations that you can encounter while talking to your Polish friends:

Polish Abbreviation Meaning English Abbreviation
jbc jakby co (usually translated as 'by the way') btw
nmzc nie ma za co (you are welcome) yw
nwm nie wiem (I don't know) idk
pzdr pozdrawiam (greetings, regards) -
zw zaraz wracam (be right back) brb


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