Awarded NAWA scholarships to research professional


22 Oct 2020


A new scholarship programme for researchers from all over the world was introduced last year by the Polish National Agency for International Exchange. It now seems like the initiative has clearly attracted the interest of many overseas scientists, considering the global pandemic.

The Polish National Agency for International Exchange (NAWA) has given scholarships to 76 foreign researchers to carry out their research studies under the Ulam Programme. The initiative, named after Stanisław Marcin Ulam, a prominent Polish scientist, aims to help post-doctoral researchers advance their scientific careers by increasing their international mobility and allowing them to collaborate with Polish academic institutions. Scientists will perform experiments and collect related materials during the fellowship phase while teaching courses and engaged in post-doctoral training programmes.

Scientists from around the world are eligible to apply for the scholarship programme, provided that they meet a few requirements - such as being employed at a research institute outside of Poland and not holding Polish citizenship. Candidates for the Ulam Programme are also required to hold a doctoral degree awarded by a foreign (i.e. non-Polish) institution and need to demonstrate excellent academic merit.

In this year's version of the Ulam scheme, scholarships of PLN 10,000 per month will be awarded to researchers during their stay in Poland for a span of 6 to 24 months. India (12), led by Italy (7), Iran (6), Ukraine (5), the United Kingdom (3), Germany (3), France (3) and Argentina(3), are among the top countries of origin for scholarship holders in 2020.

In this year’s edition of the Ulam Programme, the researchers will be granted scholarships of PLN 10,000 a month for a period of 6 to 24 months during their stay in Poland. Among the top countries of origin for the scholarship holders in 2020 are India (12), followed by Italy (7), Iran (6), Ukraine (5), the United Kingdom (3), Germany (3), France (3) and Argentina (3). The bulk of scientists will conduct their study in the natural sciences, engineering and technology fields at the host institution of their choice: one of the Polish Academy of Sciences' leading universities, research centres or research institutes. The University of Warsaw and the University of Science and Technology of Wrocław have proven to be the most common options for foreign researchers this year, according to NAWA.

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