78 anniversary of Warsaw Uprising

21 Jul 2022

Every year Warsaw honors the Insurgents. Polish flags wave on the stre...


Become a volunteer in poland

25 Aug 2021

Do you have any free time? Are you seeking for ways to contribute to...


Poland's popular 10 names in 2021

26 Feb 2021

Do you need some ideas for the Polish name, or just wonder what baby...


Minority ethnic groups in Poland

30 Oct 2020

Poland is known to be one of Europe's most homogeneous cultures,...


Which countries are the most popular among Poles?

17 Apr 2020

The Polish Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) has been polling Po...


Sincere as a Pole? Research exposes an unexpected reality about human existence.

09 Mar 2020

A team of economists has recently planned some 17 000 "missing ...


10 most popular surnames in Poland

07 Feb 2020

It makes no difference if you've never been to Poland or if your...


5 famous Varsovians who influenced the world

29 Jan 2020

What do a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, an American war hero and a ...


Poland's Literature Nobel Prize Winners

13 Dec 2019

You've probably heard of Maria Skodowska-Curie, the Polish Nobel...


How do Poles regard their country?

15 Mar 2019

Polish residents took part in a poll organised by the Stefan Batory ...


Family over the years - Polish values

14 Feb 2019

What are the most important aspects of life? In 2018, the CBOS Found...


Polish Society 2030 - what will it look like?

26 Nov 2018

Is Poland really the model monolith country? Will it ever achieve th...


Getting divorced in Poland

28 Sep 2018

As the number of expats grows in Poland, many of those people decide...


Expat loneliness – how to fight it?

03 Sep 2018

Moving abroad is a bold step that simply cannot be taken by everyone...


Tracing Polish ancestors

10 May 2018

Self-awareness and a sense of identity are one of the most valued mo...


Top baby names in Poland

02 Feb 2018

Looking for Polish baby name ideas? The Ministry of Digital Affairs ...


What are Poles like? 7 truths about Polish women

08 Mar 2017

Italian women are heads of their families, all French girls look and...


What are Poles like? 7 truths about Polish men

01 Feb 2017

The Italian are said to be quick-tempered, the Spanish - romantic, a...


Making friends in Poland - is it THAT hard?

24 Jun 2016

Many foreigners complain about the lack of openness for new friendsh...


Can you hear the wedding bells? – marrying a Polish citizen

01 Feb 2016

Love is all around us, although sometimes life gets in the way. Two ...


On first name terms - top Polish names of all time

27 Jan 2016

Some Polish names sound strange to a foreign ear. Newcomers often ne...

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