Choose your accommodation in Poland


17 Feb 2022


The importance of quality and comfort to some people is paramount, whereas location, price, and the view from the window are more significant to others. As a result, we want you to be able to compare and select an offer that meets your needs.

The 5 most popular forms of lodging chosen by our students are described below. To figure out how much your trip will cost, use our service search engine.


Hostels are a popular short-term lodging option for those who have recently arrived in Poland, do not want or cannot live in a dormitory, and need to find a place to stay right away. Hostels are the most affordable form of lodging, with a significant number of options in practically every Polish city. The hostels have rooms with 2, 3, 4, and even 8 beds, shared toilets, a lounge, and a kitchen.

Shared accommodation

The most common type of lodging is a short-term rental that can turn into a long-term rental based on your needs. Study in Polan ThinkNew has its own flats for rent in Warsaw, known as Student Stay. Around a dozen foreign student residences are available in the Warsaw areas surrounding the city center. Private single and double shared rooms, as well as common facilities, are available in the offer: bathrooms with washing machines, guest rooms, balconies, and fully equipped kitchens. Wireless Wi-Fi Internet is available in our homes. Other students from all over the world are usually the tenants.

Public dormitories

Students attending state higher education institutions can expect to live in university dorms. Dormitories are typically located on campus, allowing students to avoid commuting. They are also welcome to utilize the university's facilities at any time, including the library, wireless Internet access, and the café.

This is the most affordable option for long-term lodging. Public dorms have rooms for 2, 3, and 4 people, as well as communal kitchens and restrooms. Because of the great demand, it is necessary to book this type of lodging as soon as possible.

Private dormitories

Every year, Poland's private dormitory population grows. Their advantage is the ability to stay for a lengthy period of time – you may book for a half year or even a full year. Unfortunately, the number of persons wishing to live in the dormitory is frequently greater than the number of places available. You must pay a deposit or rent in advance for 2-6 months before moving in.

Renting an apartment or room 

The housing market in major Polish cities is growing at a rapid pace. As a result, there are numerous direct rental offers from property owners. Think Poland assists students who are unable to live in dormitories in finding a flat to rent on the real estate market. We work with real estate firms and private individuals that have chosen to rent their apartments to overseas students.




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