Cracow University of Economics has launched a Global Business Services degree programme.

14 Jun 2021


The BPO/SSC industry is one of Poland's fastest-growing industries, with almost 350,000 people employed in over 1,500 business service centres around the nation. As a result, the Cracow University of Economics has teamed up with ABSL to offer Poland's first degree programme training students for a job in the industry.

The three-year degree program will focus on teaching key digital, finance, and analytical skills for the future workplace, and will offer courses in three thematic areas - international project management, business intelligence, and brand management - to meet the demands of the changing labor market. Students will also have the opportunity to develop transferrable soft skills (such as change management, openness to new experiences, ability to voice one's thoughts, or English language fluency) as well as do an internship at one of the project's major worldwide firms. The BPO/SSC profession is a wonderful career opportunity for prospective business leaders, according to Piotr Dziwok, President of ABSL (The Association of Business Service Leaders):

Our business sector is a really good place for those people who are just starting their careers. It’s a perfect place to gain experience and develop in an international environment, which is diverse in terms of nationalities and languages spoken by employees. Here you are also given an opportunity to develop your career internationally. One in five people who work in the BPO/SSC industry are students or fresh graduates, under 26 years old.

The degree program will be taught in Polish and English and will result in a licencjat (Bachelor's degree) in Global Business Services.

Kraków has the greatest concentration of persons working in the BPO/SSC sector in Poland. In 2020, about 77,000 professionals worked in one of Kraków's business services centers, according to ABSL.

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