Discover Poland


17 Feb 2022


Poland is a European country in the heart of Europe. Poland is the fifth most populous member state of the European Union (EU) and the EU's sixth-largest country by area, with a total area of 312.7 thousand square kilometers and a population of over 38 million people. Poland is a member of the Schengen Area as well as the European Union's Single Market. Warsaw is Poland's capital and the country's main academic center. Gdask, Kraków, ód, Poznaw, and Wrocaw are among the other main cities.


In Poland, there are around 400 higher education institutions. They're spread throughout 60 different cities. For example, there are over 70 institutions in Warsaw, 20 universities in Kraków, and 15 universities in Gdansk to pick from. The Jagiellonian University in Kraków is one of Europe's oldest universities. It was established in 1364.

In terms of the number of persons enrolled in universities, Poland ranks fourth in Europe. In Poland, over 1.2 million people are enrolled in higher education. The educational level is really high. To get your degree, you must put in a lot of effort. After graduation, you will almost certainly find work in a field connected to your studies.

What are the studies like?

Poland is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna Process, which is based on a three-cycle hierarchy of degrees, has brought European higher education systems closer together. Bachelor's programs (first-cycle studies) typically last three years, and master's programs (second-cycle studies) run 1.5 to two years and can be followed by a doctorate (third-cycle studies). There are some exceptions to this rule. Some fields of study, including medicine, dentistry, law, pharmacy, and psychology, exclusively offer long-cycle master's degrees (lasting 4.5 to 6 years). Students can get their qualifications recognized in other countries more easily thanks to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Cost of living

The cost of living is a significant issue in deciding where to study. Accommodation and living costs are greater in large agglomerations like Warsaw or Kraków than in smaller cities. That is something that every student is aware of. During your studies, there are dorms where you can live at a reasonable price. If you have more money, a studio apartment or a room to rent in Poland will be easy to come by. Students frequently share flats and get along swimmingly. You will make new friends and test your independence as a result of this solution.


Restaurants in Poland serve cuisine from all around the world. In Poland, Italian cuisine is quite popular. Pizza and spaghetti are two of the most popular foods in Poland. The cost of food will not be prohibitively expensive if you do not dine out every day. Visiting a restaurant or pub from time to time, on the other hand, will not harm you. Polish cuisine is delicious. Have you ever heard of "pierogi," or Polish dumplings? You must give them a try!

Don't worry if you don't speak Polish. It is not a hindrance. Foreign language classes are available at most universities. If you want to learn a new language, culture, or environment, studying in Poland is a good option.


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