During the coronavirus pandemic, Barry Callebaut was in charge of staff recruiting.

15 Apr 2020
Despite difficult conditions, many businesses in Poland continue to hire new workers. How would you get a new career without having to leave your house? Find out in our interview with Barry Callebaut SSC Europe talent management specialists Patrycja Andrzejewska and Magorzata Piechowska.
What precautions do you take to ensure that your workers' health is protected?
We've been watching the global situation relevant to COVID-19 since January 2020, and we've begun proactively planning future action plans in case we need to reorganise the way we operate at Barry Callebaut SSC in ód. Even before the state of epidemic emergency in Poland was declared, the decision to turn to remote work was taken. Furthermore, we have been actively monitoring our employees' company travel destinations since mid-February, and we have implemented protective quarantine for people returning from Asia. Rapid and firm business reactions provided all workers with a healthy working atmosphere during this period of difficulty. We didn't have any trouble transitioning to full-time remote employment because our SSC has a home office. We want to operate from home until the end of April, but we will keep a close watch on the disease situation and make some subsequent decisions based on the current situation. Our top priorities right now are ensuring that our workers operate in a clean and sanitary environment (additional IT equipment, psychological support, clear and constant communication with the SSC community).
Has the recruitment processes influenced the present situation?
We are thoroughly adapting our recruiting procedures to the present situation. We hire end-to-end people online, with a lot of experience. Barry Callebaut SSC is one of the Group's fastest-growing industries in Lodz. Since employ managers are based outside Poland, many of our recruiting procedures are performed remotely. Our automated process is maintained: we can communicate with applicants whenever and wherever thanks to online apps, such as the Hangouts Meet or HireVue. A fully remote recruitment process enables one to meet the applicants, which often reduces tension during the work interview.
For which jobs are you now recruiting? Have you had to change your strategy to recruit?
Much of our recruiting processes are actually in the world of banking. Our schedule for recruiting has not altered, but in June or July, we expect to accept new workers. We are looking forward to changing the situation in Poland and the world so that we can return to our office safely.
What is your latest technique for onboarding? How do you work for new members of the team?
It was a win with our first simulated onboarding. Barry Callebaut SSC received a total of five new staff. In order to work in all business software and programmes, we have equipped our new workers with a virtual workspace solution. Both on-board preparations were arranged, the only difference being that we did it all online. In this unique online environment, we always launch our onboarding process with icebreakers. We want to give us the possibility to see other employees at SSC in Łódź for several years. Our new staff must wait a while to visit our chocolate factory in Łódź, where they have the rare opportunity to make their own chocolate bar under the watchful eye of the Chef of a Chocolate Academy.