Foreigners will take free Polish language classes.


12 Feb 2020


Some of our readers have contacted us with an intriguing question: are there any free Polish language courses available for expats? Yeah, there are, as it happens. Check out the list below to see where you can practise Polish for free!


Foreign Language Teaching Foundation Linguae Mundi

The foundation provides free courses in Poland for foreigners, such as Polish language classes for children and adults, Polish courses for particular purposes, and Polish history and culture classes. Unfortunately, due to a high number of applicants, general language courses are not currently available, but you might be interested in other classes geared toward ex-pats. You will enrol in a course at the foundation in person.

Fundacja Ocalenie

While the classes are open to all, refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants from outside the European Union are given priority during registration.

Fundacja DLA Somalia

The Fundacja DLA Somalia (The Foundation for Somalia) operates a variety of projects that assist foreigners in integrating into their local communities. To participate in a free language course, you must first apply and then pass an interview.

Centrum Wielokulturowe

Staromiejski Dom Kultury

Centrum Wielokulturowe (The Warsaw Multicultural Center) and Staromiejski Dom Kultury (a cultural centre in the Old Town) launch new language courses (free of charge) every few months so you’d better keep an eye out for updates.


Ośrodek Integracji Obcokrajowców w Bielsku-Białej

The centre offers free language courses to foreigners who live and/or work in Bielsko-Biała. More information on the courses can be found on this Facebook page.


Fundacja EMIC

The EMIC foundation can be found in two cities: Bydgoszcz and Toruń. Both centres run free Polish language classes dedicated to foreigners from outside the EU.


Uniwersytet Śląski

The University of Silesia offers free Polish language classes to third-country nationals (foreigners from outside the EU), who are at least 16 years old and reside in Silesia. More information on the course can be found here (Polish). In order to take part in the classes, you need to submit your application (including a cover letter) and take a qualification test.


Europejskie Centrum Solidarności

All foreign inhabitants of Gdańsk are welcome to participate in free language courses and conversations hosted by the European Solidarity Centre.

Sopockie Centrum Integracji i Wsparcia Cudzoziemców

Feel free to take part in open language classes and conversations "Mówimy po polsku!" (We speak Polish!) organized by the Sopot Integration and Support Centre for Foreigners. More information on the events can be found here.


Polish Speaking Club

Wrocław na językach świata

If you happen to live in Wrocław, you may want to attend some language events organized by the Polish Speaking Club. You can also take part in a special project called "Wrocław an językach świata" and be matched with volunteers waiting to teach you some Polish.


Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej

Students of the Polish language at foreign universities can benefit from free summer courses organized by the National Academic Exchange Agency in Poland. Learn more about the programme: the Polish language and culture summer courses.


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