How can I get the work interview done online? Track these steps


30 Apr 2020


In Poland, several businesses begin to reconsider their recruiting methods in the era of social distancing. Remote work interviews are now a new trend, previously a rarity. So how are you doing for a home interview?

Wing it not

"Good fortune always occurs when opportunities meet in planning," Thomas Edison once said. Don't let your dream career fall through your fingers either because you had logistical glitches or because your cat wanted unexpectedly to take part in recruiting. Prepare for your video interview, and take it as seriously as you would be in a personal interview. Don't forget to investigate your business, attempt to predict whether you will have concerns, and write down the questions that you want the recruiter to ask. If you requested an interview in the morning, remember to set an alarm clock the previous night. You don't want a late interview to appear!

See the section

Wear well, not just from the waist up, from head to toe. Whilst it might be tempting to sit in your pyjama pants and slippers, it helps you to change to "working mode" and feel more prepared for the interview. Be careful of your body language, too – sit still, do not sludge, continue to grin and keep the recruiter in touch by watching the camera directly.

Search the best location

Look at your surroundings to locate the context neutral to avoid distracting the interviewer when you are talking (preferably a blank wall or a comfortable bookshelf). Make sure you have a clean, presentable room behind and a uniform light on your face. Natural light is the strongest, clearly, but don't pose before the shutter - you'll be shaded and hidden.

Lower the sound

Eliminate noisy background noises – let your family (or your flatmates) know about your interview just to make sure you don't have a TV or sleeper drowning out your voice. Remember to silence your phone and lock your screen with all unwanted tabs and windows. Try keeping pets out of your space during the interview, if you have animals. You may look nice on a camera, but in the middle of this meeting, you don't want your dog to start barking.

Verify the technology

Finally, inspect the equipment to make sure it works well. Download and take time to familiarise yourself with the appropriate apps. Check the internet access, microphone and angle of the camera - you should preferably be at your eye level and about your face's arm length. Using earbuds where necessary to enhance the quality of hearing. When all the equipment have been set up, ask one of your mates for an amusing interview. It's going to help you make sure everything is up to speed.

Good chance in the interview! Good luck!


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