In the 2020s Polish cities became one of the safest travel destinations

26 Jun 2020


In the current post-lockdown fact, visitors from all over Europe are searching for "secure" vacation destinations as the summer vacation season begins. That is why a list of the best travel destinations in the summer of 2020 has been drawn up for the European Best Destinations Organization.

Gdansk and Warsaw, Poland's two main cities, have been named as Europe's "Coronavirus-safest destinations to visit," according to European Best Destinations, a listing of areas least influenced by Covid-19 (EBD). To encourage sustainable tourism on the continent, the travel website collaborates with Europe's tourist offices and the EDEN Network (European Destinations of Excellence).

The EBD ranking takes into account considerations such as the overall number of COVID-19 incidents in the country (which is up to 600 times lower than other European destinations) and health and safety policies enforced by hotel suppliers, hotels, and stores, such as face masks and social distancing criteria. As the study points out, the destinations on the list still benefit from proximity to hospitals and a higher number of hospital beds per inhabitant than the rest of European countries.

“Poland is one of the chicest European countries, and Gdansk is one of its tourist pearls,” according to the ranking's publishers. Warsaw, on the other hand, “is very rich and human, as are many Polish cities; its inhabitants show a deep reverence for both culture and youth.” Most notably, Poland has been less impacted by the pandemic than many famous European summer vacation spots: "There is up to 20 times less pollution there than in the most affected Western European countries." There has never been overcrowding in a Polish hospital, and Poland has more hospital beds per capita than the Netherlands or Switzerland.”

The Azores, Corfu, Tbilisi, Vienna, Vilnius, Zagreb, and the Wild Taiga in Finland are among the other “safe” destinations identified by European Best Destinations.


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