NAWA scholarships for students, scientists, and teachers are named "Solidarity with Belarus."

05 Oct 2021
This year's version of the project aimed towards Belarusian students is a continuation of last year's "Solidarity with Belarus" campaign. Citizens of Belarus will be allowed to submit applications in one of two ways until October 20 as a result of the changes.
The "Solidarity with Belarus" project is the clearest evidence of Poland's genuine support for Belarusians' democratic ambitions. Our government's scholarship program is an opportunity for hundreds of young Belarusians to realize their aspirations of studying at the greatest Polish colleges. According to Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek, "it is also a reflection of the solidarity of the entire scientific community, which is devoted to assisting the academic community in Belarus."
"Solidarity with Belarus" is a 2020 effort that was born out of repressions against students and scientists who questioned the legality of Belarus' presidential elections.
Last year, we began assisting young people from Belarus with online Polish language lessons and finished with grants for students, scientists, and teachers. We decided to continue the initiative in the form of an Action this year, in which a scholarship will be available to a group of the best students who received support under last year's edition, as well as students who will begin their studies this year and who did not take advantage of this opportunity previously - says Dr. Grażyna Żebrowska, Director of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.
Source: NAWA