Poland public holidays for 2023!


28 Nov 2022


With 2023 rapidly approaching, many of us are looking forward to next year's events and upcoming public holidays. Check out our handy calendar to see when you can expect a day off in Poland.

Everyone in Poland who has a contract of employment (umowa o pracę) is entitled to 20 or 26 days of paid annual leave each year, depending on their level of experience. However, by taking a few days off around holidays, you can more than double your vacation budget with a little advance planning. When making your holiday schedule, take a look at the table below and keep these dates in mind. Be aware that if a holiday falls on a Saturday, you are also entitled to an additional day off (e.g. Independence Day in 2023).

                                                                    Public Holidays in Poland in 2023


 Date Day Holiday
1 January Sunday New Year's Day
6 January Friday Epiphany
9 April Sunday Easter Sunday
10 April Monday Easter Monday
1 May Monday Labour Day
3 May Wednesday Constitution Day
28 May Sunday Pentecost
8 June Thursday Corpus Christi
15 August Tuesday The Assumption of Mary / Polish Armed Forces Day
1 November Wednesday All Saints' Day
11 November Saturday Independence Day
25 December Monday Christmas
26 December Tuesday Second Day of Christmas

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