Poland Residence registered address


18 Mar 2020


A registered residence address is one of the legal conditions for foreigners residing in Poland. Although it is not obligatory in other European countries, the practise is very tiresome and needless for people arriving from abroad. Support us first! Then help us!

The registered residential address is the remnant of the past and part of the General Register Office of Poland, in Polish: "zameldowanie" or "Meldunek." It permitted better record keeping, especially in Communist periods when authorities significantly restricted the free movement of Polish people. The registered address was specified as a place of legal residency and individuals were usually asked not to live in a place with a different address from the person listed in their ID. Polish identification cards have no such records since 1 March 2015. Nonetheless, Poland is required to file its meldunek – a registered address on Polish territory for foreigners staying 30 days.

Recorded address for a temporary duration

You are required to register your temporary polish address when you are a foreigner living in Poland for more than 30 days and expect to return home.

EU residents and Swiss (or representatives of their families) nationals of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland shall file on their stay in Poland not later than 30 days.

Others foreigners shall no later than on the 4th day of their stay in Poland file their temporary registration address.

The registration must be carried out free at the local communal office (Hurząd gminy), while PLN 17 is officially confirmed and is not shown on-site.

The following documents must be submitted for registration:

  • Registration form;
  • a document that indicates that you have the right to use or own (if applicable) the location where you stay;
  • Statement by the owner of the house in which you stay if you have no rights to this property or apartment;
  • Passport and visas (not EU or Iceland, Norway and Switzerland); Passport and visa
  • Valid travel documents and your permanent stay in the EU or Poland confirmed (if you come from the EU or Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland).


Registered permanent address

You must log your permanent Polish address if you are a foreigner travelling to Poland permanently.

EU residents and nationals (or family members) of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland must register in Poland on the 30th day of their stay.

Other foreigners shall no later than on the 4th day of their stay in Poland file their temporary registration address.

Registration must be completed free of charge in a nearby municipal office (Rurząd gminy). On the location, you will get a confirmation, which is also free.

The following documents must be submitted for registration:

  •  Registration form;
  • A document that indicates that you have the right to use or own (if applicable) the location where you stay;
  • Statement by the owner of the house in which you stay if you have no rights to this property or apartment;
  • Passport and visas (not EU or Iceland, Norway and Switzerland); Passport and visa
  • Legal travel document and your permanent EU or Polish residency permit proof (if you come from the EU or Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland).

You can do so directly or by proxy whether you are applying for registering a permanent or temporary residence address. You must be their parent or legal guardian if you wish to file a child's address.

You can see that zameldowanie is an easy thing to try out after you come to Poland.

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