Poland Temporary Residence Permit Step by Step


29 Jul 2022


You can use this questionnaire to get the answers to your questions (hopefully).

This information is provided for informational purposes only; it is not official guidance, and no one is responsible for your TRC application.

The final decision about your answers should be always considered by you only.

Students need to apply for TRC (Temporary Resident Card – Karta Pobytu) before or their student visa expires – no later than on the last day of their legal residence in Poland.

The application together with the necessary supporting documents should be submitted to the Warszawski Urząd Mazowiecki, at the office of the Department of Foreigners, located at 3/5 Marszałkowska St. in Warsaw, 1st floor, stands 14, 16, only after prior arrangement for a specific day and time.

To make the appointment (to take the date for submitting the files for TRC), you need to use the Reservation system:

In order to take the date in the Reservation system, you need to create a new account.

After registration, you should choose the date. In the e-calendar, there are many options for different types of stay in POLAND. Please choose the proper one – “X – SKŁADANIE WNIOSKÓW O ZEZWOLENIE NA POBYT”.

There are some cases where taking the date is impossible or you cannot wait for free dates. In such a situation, you should complete your file and then send it by regular mail. The documents should be sent to:

Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki w Warszawie,
Wydział Spraw Cudzoziemców
Marszałkowska 3/5
00-624 Warszawa

Remember that in those cases, the Wojewódzki Urząd Mazowiecki will send you the call to come in person for fingerprints. Also, the mail should be sent as a “POLECONY z potwierdzeniem odbioru”. In this way, you will have confirmation that your files were received by the Office.

Before starting the process of application please read carefully the information given on the website of Wojewódzki Urząd Mazowiecki:

Information in Polish language: https://mazowieckie.pl/pl/dla-klienta/cudzoziemcy/zezwolenia-na-pobyt/zezwolenie-na-pobyt-cz/studia

Information in English language: https://mazowieckie.pl/en/for-foreigners-1/residence/temporary-residence-pe/education

To apply for TRC – you need to prepare the following documents:

  • 2 copies of the application for a temporary residence permit completed in accordance with the instructions (please refer to the presentation which will help you to fill out the application: TRC Application Form – How to fill up the form?);

Please check if you are using the current form of application. (The application is valid from 29.04.2019  – WNIOSEK)

  • 4 recent color photographs, undamaged, size 45×35 mm, made in the last six months on a plain white background, with good focus, clearly showing the eyes and face from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders; the face should occupy 70-80% of the photograph; the photograph should show the person looking straight ahead with their eyes open, not covered by hair, with a natural facial expression and mouth closed:

Foreigners with congenital or acquired vision defects may attach a photograph showing them wearing glasses with dark lenses. In such a case, the application must be accompanied by evidence of disability, and in its absence, the foreigner’s statement of having a disability.

Foreigners wearing a headdress in accordance with the principles of their religion may attach a photograph in the headdress, as long as the face is fully visible. In this case, the application must be accompanied by the foreigner’s statement of belonging to a religious community.

  • A valid travel document (2 photocopies);
  • TRC letter (please apply for the TRC letter in the Dean Office)
  • Marksheets (please apply for the marksheets in the Dean Office)
  • Information about the tuition fee (please apply for this document in cashbox)
  • Proof of payment of the tuition fee (please ask for the proof payment in the cashbox)
  • Documents confirming having health insurance or coverage by the insurer of the cost of treatment in Poland – valid for ONE YEAR and paid for entire period of validity
  • Information about cost of accommodation including the cost of renting the room or apartment as well as the cost of utilities such as water, gas, electricity, garbage removal, etc.  (you can use the house/room/ apartment renting agreement together with the current bill for utilities). If you are staying in the WSGE hostel, please ask Ms Edyta Banaszak – the Hostel coordinator for such document.
  • Evidence of sufficient funds to cover the costs of living and return travel to the country of origin or residence and the cost of tuition as well as the cost of accommodation.

According to the current regulation (2019 – the amount of money is changed every year and you should check it before applying for TRC) sufficient funds means:

The cost of leaving: about 11 000 pln (701 pln x 15 months = 10515 pln)

The cost of return ticket to your home country: 2500 pln

The cost of tuition fee (whatever remain to the end of you study) – for example: if you are Bachelor’s degree student and  you have already paid for first and second year of studies, you must show enough money to pay for the third year of studies.

The cost of accommodation (the cost of montly payment for rent + bills x 15 months)

There are some situations that the Wojewodzki Urząd Mazawiecki may contact you by email to take your fingerprints, to get some extra or missing documents, etc. Therefore, it is extremely import to put your current – valid address on the application and in the case of changing the address YOU MUST INFORM THE OFFICE about it and PROVIDE THEM WITH THE NEW ADDRESS. According to Polish regulations, a double delivery attempt is considered effective delivery. If Office is calling to you take some actions (for example – to submit the new TRC letter) you MUST do it or your application for TRC will be rejected.


There are two types of fee applicable when you are applying for TRC:

  • PLN 340 at the time of submission of the application, payable to the bank account:

Urząd Dzielnicy Śródmieście

Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy

ul. Nowogrodzka 43

00-691 Warszawa


  • PLN 50 for the residence card upon receipt of the decision, payable to the bank account:

Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki

Biuro Budżetowo-Księgowe

NBP O/O Warszawa


Appeal procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the decision received, you have a right to make an appeal. The appeal shall be submitted to the Head of the Office of Alien Affairs through the Governor of Mazowieckie Province within 14 days from the date of delivery of the decision.




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