Public Holidays 2021 in Poland


11 Dec 2020


Is 2021 going to be safer for both of us? So let's hope! We will not say much for the coming year, but the one thing we know for sure is that in 2021, Poland will have 13 public holidays. Check the forthcoming dates for the public holiday here.

To plan your days off and to make the most of your annual leave next year, take a look at the table below. Any holidays will land on a Thursday, as you will see, meaning you can take one day's leave and spend a four-day weekend. You'd better already start preparing your spare time!

Not sure how much yearly leave you are entitled to in Poland by law? To read more about your rights as an employee in Poland, click here.

Which of the following holidays are you celebrating in your countries? Visit our "Bank holidays" tag to see how to play in next year's Polish festivities.

Public Holidays 2021 in Poland

Date Day Holiday
1 January Friday New Year's Day
6 January Wednesday Epiphany
4 April Sunday Easter Sunday
5 April Monday Easter Monday
1 May Saturday Labour Day
3 May Monday Constitution Day
23 May Sunday Pentecost
3 June Thursday Corpus Christi
15 August Sunday The Assumption of Mary / Polish Armed Forces Day
1 November Monday All Saints' Day
11 November Thursday Independence Day
25 December Saturday Christmas
26 December Sunday Second Day of Christmas

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