Recruitment of workers in the pandemic: Poland MicroStrategy


30 Mar 2020


The epidemic of COVID-19 has had a unique effect on companies worldwide. How does it work during the recession to hire new workers? How will Polish recruiters deal with foreign candidates? We are talking to Karolina Grzelachowska, MicroStrategy Poland's Talent Acquisition Director.

Has the procurement processes in some way changed the present situation?

The procedures that have already been initiated are continued. Both job interviews are conducted using available technology to ensure the welfare of our applicants and management (Skype, Webex). We should not have these solutions fresh but we use them under common situations, and so it all runs smoothly. We know that a face-to-face meeting is crucial for our candidates so as quickly as possible, we want to give them this chance.

Are you recruiting many foreigners? Want to recruit more foreign specialists in the months to come?

MicroStrategy is a worldwide company, and every team hires foreigners in our Warsaw workplace. Restricted boundaries are now the major challenge to us, as we can't set an initial deadline for new hires and the process of hiring our applicants from outside Europe may be increased. Nobody can be sure how long it will last and its impact on the workforce. There is a projected recession in economies around the world that would undoubtedly impact the number of recruitment processes. But we intend to increase our office in Warsaw on a long-term basis.

What is the pandemic like as you hire an applicant abroad? Is it a big problem for the organisation?

As I said, it definitely does not benefit us to close down the borders in foreign relocations. Therefore, we and our candidates need more versatility. It would be open to applicants who could plan an interview better if they did not have to leave their homes if I could see one good advantage of this unique scenario. Given the existing rules of government and business conditions, many applicants seek jobs or work from home where they are more comfortable, meaning we can carry out more interviews in less time. Our instruments and method of doing work interviews have shifted - phases of recruiting, which will usually occur in our office have migrated online - but overall, our effectiveness and the recruitment process have not influenced the new situation.

For which jobs are you now recruiting? Have you changed your plans for recruitment?

Right now we concentrate on the positions that are critical to the management of the company and the good service of our customers. We are therefore looking primarily for experts in technical assistance and foreign language expertise.

Have you entered the "residence at home" movement and allowed your business to operate remotely, like many in Poland?

Naturally – not only are our workers available, but they are also allowed to work from home. Our employees' wellbeing is our company's highest priority, and the technological tools available enable us to operate efficiently wherever we are. Obviously, the office is already open, so it is likely that anyone prefers to stay. The required sanitary supplies were given to our workers and the office was frequently purified.


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