Six truths from Poland


04 Dec 2020


Have you ever heard a Polish say or a proverb and found it motivational yet confusing? Today we look at our beloved "Words of wisdom" from Poland. See if any of them are known to you!

Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło 

"Every cloud has a silver lining," as the similar saying goes in English. We must do our utmost to see the benefits of mistakes that might not be evident at the first look out of complicated or negative circumstances in life.

Śpiesz się powoli  Hurry up slowly

A specific Polish version of the Latin oxymoron "Festina lente." It's being used to express that you can behave purposefully instead of speeding through activities. Decisions taken in a rush or under pressure can always lead to errors.

Jakoś to będzie - Somehow it will work

One of the most common phrases in Poland is often known to be a Polish term for "hygge." Poles tend to believe that no matter what happens in the future, it will turn out in the end. Maybe we're going to have to use our improvisation skills to get through tough times, but ultimately we'll succeed!

Każdy jest kowalem swojego losu - Everyone is the architect of his own fortune -

If you're the smith or the architect of your life, note that it's you who need to take steps to accomplish your goals.

Pożyjemy, zobaczymy - We will see 

A very common Polish term used to mean, "Time will tell how things are going." Similar to "wait and see" in English.

Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano - Krakow wasn't built in a day

This may sound familiar to the ears. Neither Rome nor Kraków constructed in one day, which only means that progress requires time and effort and sometimes if ever, exists overnight.

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