Things to think about when looking for student accommodation in Poland


15 Feb 2022


Finding suitable housing is one of the most difficult tasks for students going to a new city or country to study. Students encounter a variety of problems, but one of the most difficult is finding suitable housing. As a student looking for a good location to stay, there are a few factors to consider. You cannot afford to take any chances when it comes to the quality and location of your lodging. Here are some crucial points to remember.

Explore the area

The first step to take is to explore the area. Before starting a physical search, you want to make sure that know the area well. Google is a nice place to start. Also, read the guides and take a guided tour with an experienced person who knows the area well. In addition to looking for a place alone, you can also ask for help from your parents or older colleagues. If your new university has a housing office, you can also ask any of the officials there for help. Many universities offer help to new students.

Start early

We advise students not to wait until they arrive to find accommodation. Luckily for you, there is internet available to search your area. Many landlords advertise their properties on real estate websites so you don’t need to be physically present to find suitable accommodation. Once you have secured admission to the university, start searching immediately. Remember that there are many other students who want to live in apartments close to campus just like you, so competition is fierce. To beat the competition, start early.

Have a budget

Many students make the mistake of not drawing up a budget before starting their house-hunting. At the end of the day, they usually get frustrated with the whole process. Before you do anything, prepare your rent budget. When searching for information about rental prices in the area, you can adjust your budget accordingly. The budget helps you avoid paying more than you can afford. It also protects you from unpleasant surprises when you finally get to the city where you will study.

Take your time

Remember that you don’t know the area well, so you have to be patient. This process will take some time, so avoid the temptation to choose the first option you find as there may be better apartments you haven’t even come across. It is worth having several options to increase your chances of finding a suitable place to live.

Ask questions

When you finally find an apartment you like, whether through online or physical searches, make sure you interview the owner or agent responsible for managing the property. Asking the responsible person the necessary questions will help you decide if the property is suitable for you. Important questions that can be asked may include the rent payment process, potential bills included or not included in the rent, non-refundable charges, whether guests are admitted, etc. Asking important questions will protect you from future financial obligations that you may not be aware of at first.

Is the apartment close to your campus?

Finally, another thing to consider is the distance between your apartment and campus. Avoid renting an apartment far from your study center, otherwise, you will spend more than necessary on transportation. The distant location also makes it very difficult to get to the campus in a short amount of time.


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