What about Halloween in Poland?

31 Oct 2022
Western custom
Generally speaking, Halloween is not a Polish custom and has only a tenuous connection to other pagan rituals of various Slavic countries. Although they were all centered around death, Halloween as we know it actually originated with Celtic tribes and is currently only recognized as an Anglo-Saxon event. Poles would still be more inclined to observe their own traditional festivals if globalization hadn't occurred. What exactly are these?
What happens if Halloween doesn't?
Dziady would be the Polish equivalent of Halloween, despite the fact that this traditional Slavic holiday is not at all well-liked in the modern world. Its traces can be traced in the Romantic literature of Poland, where Adam Mickiewicz, one of that country's best poets, described an ancient feast for the dead that took place in a remote chapel on a cemetery. This portrayal really gives one the chills—certainly more so than modern dress-up events in Northern America!
However, those fancy-dress events had to eventually exist in Poland due to the spread of mass media, TV, movies, and other Western influences. Is it widespread? Definitely not, but it is becoming more and more popular, particularly among young people who, by nature, prefer festive Halloween-themed gatherings to somberer Polish traditions in the first few days of November.
Trick-or-treating is not a tradition in Poland either, but once more, some kids started to do it in their neighborhoods. Given that Halloween is frequently discussed in elementary schools with students during required English courses, it's probable that this will become more widespread.
A pumpkin that has been turned into a lantern is the most recognized Halloween emblem. Again, Poles do not decorate their homes with pumpkins, but you could have seen an increase in their presence in English schools or commercial centers. Pumpkins aren't even European vegetables; they were introduced to Poland in the 16th century, many years after Columbus' voyage, yet now some Polish farmers also grow pumpkins.
What do you think—should Poles adopt this new custom or maintain their old ones? Have you ever seen Polish Halloween celebrations?