What are Poles like? 7 truths about Polish men


01 Feb 2017


The Italian are said to be quick-tempered, the Spanish - romantic, and the American - a bit too optimistic. Here is a list of some of the most common qualities ascribed to Poles, and Polish men in particular.

1. Hard-working

Poles are consistently ranked as one of the hardest-working nations in Europe, but this stretches also beyond their workplaces. Polish men are generally considered to be fixer-uppers, so if you are dating a Polish guy, go ahead and ask him to fix that leaking sink – he’ll love that and you will get extra points for boosting his ego.

2. Chivalrous

The chivalry is not dead – in Poland, a man in his prime will always let a woman through the door first and hold it for her, even in formal or business situations. Some older gentlemen may even place a kiss on your hand when greeting you. In these terms, Poles are quite old-school, and it's not a stereotype.

3. Political

People in Poland have strong opinions on politics, and although they may not voice them at first, there may come a time when they will want to confront their views. For the sake of a good discussion loved by Polish men, instead of taking sides, ask interesting questions – they will gladly explain Polish politics to a complete rookie.

4. Traditional

If you suddenly find yourself madly in love with a Polish guy, prepare to meet his parents. Poles are very traditional at heart and when in a serious relationship, they may subconsciously seek family approval. The main advantage is you will get to try delicious Polish food while meeting his folks. And after that? He may pop the question sooner than men do in your homeland.

5. Football-fans

Despite the fact that the Polish national team in football is not always doing great (the highest position ever in the FIFA World Ranking is its current position, 15th), Poles enjoy football as much as every other European nation. They can adjust their schedules to important games, so if you are thinking about surprising your Polish boyfriend with a romantic date evening, check in advance if he has not already booked a table in his favourite pub to watch the game.

6. Serious

Especially on the outside. Depending on your country of origin, you may be used to a different sort of interaction in society. Poles, and Polish men, in particular, do not smile at strangers in the streets. They seem rather stiff until you get to know them better and they turn out to be quite goofy. It takes time, but it is obviously worth the wait!

7. Homebodies

Although you can meet Polish people all over the world, the nation is generally comprised of homebodies. They prefer not to leave their house for prolonged periods of time and sometimes to stay in instead of going out. This is why we need more foreigners coming to Poland!

Let us know if there are any other qualities or stereotypes you may want to add to the list!

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