Which countries are the most popular among Poles?

17 Apr 2020
The Polish Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) has been polling Polish views toward other countries for nearly three decades. This year, respondents were asked to score 23 countries on a 7-point scale ranging from -3 (“dislike”) to +3 (“like really much”), with 0 indicating “neutral.” Do you want to see who got the best score?
According to the poll, more than half of the respondents have favourable feelings about Poland's southern neighbours, Czechs (53%) and Slovaks (47%) (52%). Italians are in third place (51%), ahead of Americans (50%), English (49%), and Hungarians (48%). Greeks (43%), Swedes (41%), Austrians (40%), and Japanese people are seen positively by about 40% of survey respondents (40%). Poles seldom see the countries mentioned above in a negative way. The results of the CBOS survey show that, in general, Poles have a fondness for other countries rather than a dislike for them; on average, respondents showed a preference for eight different nationalities. People with higher education, who live in major cities, who are well-off, and who are more often women than men, have the most favourable views toward other countries, according to statistics.
People's views of other countries, according to the researchers, are influenced by a variety of influences, including national stereotypes, historical conditioning, personal interactions, current affairs, and political ties between the countries. It has also been found that Poles have a more favourable outlook toward countries with a high quality of life, or those that act as a positive comparison community for them.
Nationality | Positive attitudes* | |
1 | Czech Republic | 53% |
2 | Slovakia | 52% |
3 | Italy | 51% |
4 | USA | 50% |
5 | England | 49% |
6 | Hungary | 48% |
7 | Greece | 43% |
8 | Sweden | 41% |
9 | Austria | 40% |
10 | Japan | 40% |
*Since the respondents used a ranking system, they had the option of selecting a neutral option..