Why choose Warsaw University of Business?


11 Feb 2022


Why Choose WWSB University?

Learning activities in small groups

Small groups ensure the teacher’s individual approach to each student. Each participant receives a personalized consultation.

Professional staff

We have invited experienced practitioners to conduct classes. The teaching staff consists mainly of people with passion, outstanding specialists, who willingly share their knowledge and experience with students.

Convenient location

The school is located in the very center of the city, you can reach us by underground train (Metro) or by bus.

Financial assistance

We pay, you study! Resourceful and abundant scholarship and bursary system. Our students receive even 1,500 PLN per month!

Practical education

Practical knowledge and skills are at the center of our attention. We offer a rich program of workshops conducted by professionals from various industries.

Friendly school

The WWSB University students are open and creative young people. Not only do they study together, but they also organize various events, they travel together and have fun. We were to Prague, Strasbourg, Nuremberg, and Paris.

Quality of education

Quality of education has been confirmed by the positive assessment of the Polish Accreditation Commission [Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna] – the university was visited three times, i.e. in 2006, 2009, and 2015.

We have specialist experience

Many years of experience in education – we have been teaching since 2001. The skills gained at the WWSB University may be used in many different professions and positions.

About the University

Warsaw University of Business [Warszawska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – the WWSB University] is a private university that has been operating on the educational market for many years. The WWSB University was founded in 2001 and since then has enjoyed unwavering student interest, offering candidates a rich and thoughtful offer of studies in several fields.

Until 30 September 2017 the university operated under the name of the University of Business and Administration in Łuków [Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu I Administracji w Łukowie – the WSBiA University]. From 1 October 2017, Warsaw has been the seat of the university. It is located in the heart of Powisle District, you can get there by Metro or by bus. The city center and the Old Town are within a few minutes\’ walk and the Vistula Boulevards [Bulwary Wiślane] are located nearby.


by decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW-DNS-WUN-6014-23361-1/12) of 30 March 2012, it was granted a permit to operate for an indefinite period of time.

Top reasons to study in Poland

Poland is still gaining popularity as a study destination. Learn about most common reasons, why this country is being chosen by students from around the world.

It is cheaper than the western part of Europe

Low tuition fees and living expenses are some of the most important reasons for which Poland is a great place for studying. A room for one student can be found for around 200-300 euro per month (the amount might vary a bit depending on the city), and the expenses for a dormitory are even lower.

As for the tuition, many Polish universities offer attractive discounts for foreign students. One of the most popular programs, which allows you to save more money is Erasmus: a program, which was launched back in 1987. It allows experiencing a student’s life in one of the countries, which decided to take part in the project.

Interesting culture of eastern Europe

Many habits of Polish people might be hard to understand for foreigners and yet — really interesting. Spending holidays (such as Independence Day, Christmas, or Easter) in Poland will provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about them.

While being in the country, students are also allowed to move and explore different parts of it. The whole educational program can be taken in English or Polish — if students are interested in such. Usually, most of the professors also allow foreign students to pick the best exam form in order to overcome the language barrier.

Education is one of the best in Europe

As it is shown by most of the statistics, Polish universities are one of the best on the whole continent. A high level of education means you will get a really valuable degree in your chosen subject. Employers from around the world prize the knowledge provided by Polish universities. Not without a reason, Poles are thought to be one of the best specialists in the world in many different fields. However, due to this fact, be aware that most of your exams will not be easy: lecturers can be demanding because they want to provide their students with the highest level of knowledge possible.

What is more, you get a unique chance to learn the beautiful Polish language, by many described as the sound of falling leaves in autumn. The language itself is hard and not many can speak it. If you can get the basics of it, another foreign language will seem easy.

Interesting career opportunities

Many international companies choose Poland as the location of their offices. Thus, you get a great starting point for your career, especially considering the fact that you can speak a foreign language fluently. If you will learn the basics of Polish as well, it will be an even bigger advantage.

In most of the big Polish cities (such as Warsaw, Wrocław, or Kraków), you can find a job without much difficulty. The international career path will look good in your resume, giving you bigger chances when applying for the next job position.

Studying in Poland is also an opportunity to meet interesting people and see for yourself that Poland is a really beautiful place.

Our majors


Bachelor’s degree


  • Business Management

  • Hotel & Tourism Management

  • IT Management


  • Transport and forwarding logistics

  • Business logistics and warehousing

  • Logistics management


  • Crisis Management

  • State security

Master’s degree


  • Business Management

  • MBA Management


  • National Security

  • Human Resource Management in the Security Sector

  • National Security in Cyberspace and Personal Data Protection

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