Why Lazarski?


20 Dec 2021


Lazarski University is an academic and educational institution that skilfully combines innovative educational standards with the traditional goals of education, driven by the "universitas magistrorum et scholarium" principle.

According to this assumption, a university is a community of teachers and students. We are building our community based on acquiring knowledge from distinguished masters in their fields. This is why our faculty members comprise over 250 outstanding experts in economy, politics, and law. We boast having both acknowledged names in the world of science and hands-on specialists from the field of business on our team. Thanks to them, we ensure our students a comprehensive education that, similarly to the beginings of university education, gives our adepts an in-depth foundations in their selected fields. Meanwhile, the profile of education and conducted research is adapted to the requirements of today's world, focusing on shaping professional skills.

For years, we have been listed among the best universities in the most important educational rankings.

Thanks to our excellent teaching staff and care for the highest quality of education, our place at the top of Poland's most important university rankings has been assured for many years now.

We are the best Polish university in the international U-Multirank ranking prepared at the request of the European Commission. Additionally, we are included in the prestigious group of 8% highest-graded universities from around the world.

Our Faculty of Law boasts the 1st place among law faculties of private universities in the ranking of "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna".

Our Faculty of Economics was listed first in the Brief rating that measures the degree of the university graduates' preparedness for entering the labour market.


Teaching through experience

  • Course curricula are devised in ongoing consultation with the best practitioners of business and law. Every new specialty is supervised by an expert in the given field. We have appointed a Business Council that makes sure on an ongoing basis that the factual scope of our studies always corresponds to the current market expectations. As a result, we are sure that you learn what you will actually be using in your future professional life.
  • Classes are conducted interactively: workshops, case studies and simulations are an opportunity for you to learn through experience. You can develop your practical skills while still at the university! Which role would you prefer to assume, a barrister or a prosecutor? Take part in a simulated litigation at our own courtroom.

Guarantee of professional success

  • You will gain early professional experience during paid internships that will be ensured for you by the University. You will be completing projects at our partner companies and will obtain reference or letters of recommendation for future employers.
  • Through our Internship and Job Placement Division, we are proactively supporting our students in drafting application documents as well as organising workshops and career counselling. This is why 76.1% of our students find a job while still studying!

An international university

  • We are cooperating with over 90 universities around the world. Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, you can experience new countries and different cultures. Our offer comprises not only student exchange programmes but also foreign internships and trainings.
  • Our curricula in English are devised in collaboration with Boston University and Coventry University. As a result, when studying your selected major, you obtain both a Polish and a British diploma.

Lazarski University Campus Tour



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