Why Poland is a good destination to study engineering?


02 Sep 2021


Are you passionate about technical studies and engineering? What about considering Poland as your future study destination?

There are so many reasons to study engineering. Engineering provides you with a lot of things like job satisfaction, financial security, flexibility of schedule, career advancement, intellectual development, and many more. Engineers are always in high demand, though the career is challenging.

In Poland, engineers are among the most demanded worker in the Polish and European markets.

In 2021 according to research commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy, the labour market in Poland lacks the following employees:

Qualified blue-collar employees in the field of trade
Technicians, storekeepers


IT specialists
Accountants, economists
Human resources staff

Why Poland?

If you decide to study engineering in Poland, you have many courses to choose from than just mechanics, construction, or civil engineering. Polish universities offer a myriad of different courses, so everyone will find something for themselves. You can specialize in sound engineering, robotics, or renewable energy sources. If, for example, you are interested in vehicles, from the first year you can start practising with sports cars, planes, spaceships, ships and even yachts. IT enthusiasts can choose to create computer games or mobile applications, network security, ethical hacking, or even artificial intelligence systems. However, this list is only a small selection of the opportunities that studying in Poland opens.

  • The high level of education​

The Polish higher education system is well-developed. The level of education is constantly monitored and regularly assessed. Over 5,000 study programs are offered in Poland and each of them had to be approved by the Polish Accreditation Committee.

  • Quick access to the job market

Poland offers many jobs in engineering, IT, telecommunication, and manufacturing. There are many opportunities in these fields. Students can practice their skills while studying by taking up paid internships, part time and weekend jobs.

  • Scholarships available for technical studies in Poland

There are many scholarships suggested for international students in Poland which could cover your studies in the technical related field, among them are:
Poland My First Choice Programme (Poland My First Choice Programme - NAWA)
The Banach Scholarship Programme (The Banach Scholarship Programme - NAWA)

This year, the existing scholarship programmes that are a joint initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA in the form of Polish development aid, i.e. the Banach Scholarship Programme and the Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme, are merged into one scholarship programme.

What do the foreign students say about their experience?

Jeffrey Hanafie. Student from Indonesia studying robotics in Warsaw, scholar of Łukasiewicz Programme.


“I love the standard of the university here. The scoring system is very fair and transparent both for the professor and for the student. Honestly, the university schedule is tighter than the one that I had before, but I believe it is good for my development.

I could say that the life as a student here in Poland is quite balanced. What I mean by balance is you will have a good standard at Uni, you could find a lot of events from a student to have a good social life as well. Beyond of that, I am saying that Poland also offers you a lot of opportunities for internship. If you want to have the real experience of how the company applies the technology, you can just apply for it! From what I have experienced, various opportunities are widely open.”

Duyen Trinh Duc. Student from Vietnam studying civil engineering in Warsaw.

“What I like most is the atmosphere of the honest pursuit of academic growth. All university I have been studying such as Politechnika Krakowska in Krakow, Politechnika Warszawska in Warsaw, I receive happy smiles of people willing to make my study experience better. My supervisor is a person with a sharp mind, yet moulds my intellect with opening-mind. It is like growing up in a lovely family, with everyone taking together their best. The active participation of students in the learning process is also a so interesting thing. Here, professors compel students to explore their minds and enrich their academic intellect fully. I like it that I can think independently and share my thoughts with my supervisor, who then gives honest feedback.”

Where to study engineering in Poland?

The list of technical Universities in Poland offering engineering related courses may be found at: https://www.studyinpoland.info/find-a-course.html 

Here are some of them:

Pick the right university for you and keep an eye on application deadlines!

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