Will Belarusians be able to take more Polish language classes?

21 Jun 2021
Polish universities have been urged to give additional Polish language classes for immigrants from Belarus, according to Poland's Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection.
In recent years, Poland has seen substantial growth in the number of Belarusian immigrants; as of 2021, over 30,000 Belarusians have been granted residency status in Poland, according to the Polish Office for Foreigners (meaning an increase of nearly 50 percent over the last two years). At the same time, due to political upheaval in Belarus following the 2020 presidential elections, approximately 600 Belarusian nationals have asked for international protection in Poland.
The scenario has produced an urgent and growing demand for more Polish language classes to be offered to immigrants from Belarus, according to Poland's Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection. Non-governmental organizations are unable to meet this requirement because the volume of incoming migrants is simply too big. In a letter sent to The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and universities regulated by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Deputy Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection, Stanisaw Trociuk, recently addressed the matter. “Such language lessons would help foreigners find their way in a new country, particularly when it comes to seeking work, and assimilate into Polish society,” Trociuk claims. The Commissioner feels that the concept is in line with higher education's purpose to educate, encourage good citizenship, and contribute to social development.
The complete letter can be found at rpo.gov.pl (in Polish).