Bachelor of Business Management

Collegium Civitas

Poland Flag Poland




Do you want to discover the secrets behind the successful management of projects, information, and a team of employees? Are you interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Do you see yourself in management one day as a specialist in HR, PR or CSR? Perhaps you are wondering if your business idea is worth pursuing and if it has any chance of success. Choose our Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Management and gain practical skills that will enable you to navigate the world of business and increase the chances of success for your own business projects. Study at Collegium Civitas – modern, multicultural university in the heart of Warsaw, Poland!

You will acquire the following factual knowledge:

  • Management of information, human resources, projects, and a professional team;
  • business ethics;
  • principles of CSR;
  • business psychology;
  • finance in business and the economy.

You will acquire practical skills in the following areas:

  • how to conduct negotiations,
  • how to build team relationships,
  • how to communicate effectively,
  • how to design and implement interactive marketing campaigns.

Career prospects:

  • HR departments in international corporations,
  • PR positions in businesses and institutions,
  • government departments,
  • trade organisations,
  • public administration,
  • self-employment.



Supplementary benefits:

  • the curriculum is based on the latest advances in the education of future managers;
  • most of the activities take on a workshop format, allowing you to gain practical and teamwork skills;
  • you decide which classes you wish to pursue in English;
  • you can improve your language skills and increase your chances of finding a dream job in an international milieu;
  • during your studies you will do an internship in a selected company where your project will form the basis of your BA dissertation;
  • you will study business practices and specific case studies;
  • you will acquire technical knowledge and soft skills that are essential to manage effectively and to meet current demands of employers.

Specialization Courses

  • Business Ethics
  • Business Relation Building
  • Commercial and Labour Law
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Critical Thinking
  • Effective Team Management
  • Market Research
  • Negotiations
  • Oxford Debates
  • Quantitative Methods and Statistics in Business
  • Research methods in management
  • Strategic Management

*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course and programme and at any time.

 Core Obligatory Course

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Economy and Society
  • Financial Accounting
  • Human Capital Management
  • Introduction to Marketing and Sales
  • Logic
  • Macroeconomics and Public Finances
  • Management Accounting
  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Microeconomics
  • Organizational Methods and Management
  • Project Management
  • The art of presentation and public speaking
  • Physical education
  • Foreign Language
  • Internships
  • Bachelor’s degree seminar

In addition to the above:

Elective Courses

*Note: Collegium Civitas reserves the right to alter the content of any course and programme and at any time.

Please note, that the schedule of courses may be different for students starting the program in the spring semester than for students staring the program in the winter semester.

After having successfully completed this programme, students will be granted a diploma of Licencjat in Management, specialization: Business Management.

Poland conforms to the guidelines from the Bologna Process in European higher education. Degree awarded upon graduation is: Licencjat (first cycle studies; the Polish equivalent of the Bachelor’s degree; similar to BA title). Upon graduation, the Student receives a Diploma of completion of studies together with a Diploma Supplement (copy of the Diploma translated into English, describing the degree, level and specialisation).

Programme Details

Our program offers a solid foundation of management skills. The program is divided into several blocks wchich develop different parts of business knowledge and skills. This approach provides a good mix resulting in desirable balance of hard and soft managerial skills. These blocks are:

  • Substantive knowledge
  • Soft skills
  • Advanced managerial skills
  • Practical skills

Substantive knowledge, the base of managerial work, will include following matters:

Understanding strategy
Following courses of our program will belong to this area:

  • Strategic Management
  • Quantitive methods in business
  • Marketing
  • And other related courses

Understanding management problems

  • Management and enterpreneurship
  • Organizational behavior
  • Law
  • And other related courses

Understanding finance

  • Financial reporting and managerial accounting
  • Corporate finance
  • Macro- and micro economics
  • And other related courses

Soft skills, will include following matters:


  • Communication, advertising, promotion
  • The art of interesting presentation
  • The art of effective negotiation
  • And other related courses

Interpersonal relations

  • Team work
  • Relation building
  • Understanding multiculturalism
  • And other related courses

Soft skills will be tought and developed using modern teaching methods, such as: group work, workshops, Oxford debat es, role playing etc.

Advanced menagerial skills

  • Human resources management
  • Change management
  • Project management
  • Information management.

Practical skills
The practical skills are integrated in our program. They will be developed by students solving real business case studies, role playing, scenarios and simulations. Through these activities students will be able to apply the course kontent to authentic situations. The last semestr of the program is devoted to the students work experience in a company working on real-life project. This project will be a base for Bachelor’s dissertation.

Course fees are indicative and should be used as a guide. Speak to a counselor to get an accurate price.

Duration: 3 Year(s) | Fees: € 8,280

Intake Location
Fall (September) & Spring (February), 2021 Warsaw
Fall (September) & Spring (February), 2022 Warsaw

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