In the times of globalization, cultural awareness and foreign language skills are especially important. In this context, a special role is played by English, the lingua franca of business, politics, scholarship and diplomacy. Over one and half billion people in more than 100 countries use English on a daily basis. It is also the primary language of official communication in multiple international institutions and organizations, such as the European Union. By joining English Studies at Vistula University, you will acquire a wide range of linguistic competences and skills required in business relations and intercultural communication.
The program of English Studies with extended 2nd foreign language is aimed at helping students master the linguistic competences and skills required in business relations and intercultural communication. This is a program of studies for those who wish to acquire proficiency not only in practical English, but also in another language of their choice. We offer intensive courses in the second foreign language up to at least the B2 level, including enhanced business vocabulary. Linguistic competences are supplemented by courses in history, culture, literature. Our practical approach to interaction-oriented classes, as well as numerous workshops and seminars conducted in English, helps students significantly improve their skills. Our program contains supplementary courses, which prepare students to function in practically any branch of the international job market.
- Do you like to learn new things and have a talent for languages? Do you enjoy functioning in an intercultural environment? Are you fascinated by other cultures, nations, traditions? If so, you already possess several key qualities of a philologist and future expert on intercultural communication. At Vistula University you will perfect your English, learn a second foreign language, gain understanding of the basics of international business and teamwork – in effect, you will doubtless find it easy to navigate the dynamic world of business interactions in the future.
- Do you have a talent for writing? Do you enjoy finding the best way of expressing a thought, a particular unique way in each language? You could become a very good translator or a journalist in one of the foreign-language portals, or perhaps an editor for various media – in the language of your choice.
- Do you enjoy presenting ideas to others? Would you like to make public presentations and speeches in several languages? Our courses in media studies allow you to hone your skills in this area, preparing you to be a confident and effective public speaker in various areas of expertise.
- Perhaps, your dream is to become a simultaneous translator – sitting in full glory in a special cabin, with earphones and special translating technology at your fingertips, facilitating communication? Or would you rather work quietly at your desk, finding the perfect way to translate a text, helping others to navigate various cultural contexts? Or perhaps your dream is to become a translator of literary works, matching your wits with the talent of professional writers and introducing their work to your compatriots? Our courses in translation develop all these skills, within the Translation Studies sub-major.
- Do you love reading, are you passionate about film, or, perhaps, very good at computer games? Are you a good storyteller? Do you dream of writing screenplays, recording, creating – perhaps in several languages? Here you will enhance your competences in foreign languages so as to confidently enter into the world of writers, editors, journalists and other creative artists.
- If you simply love to be with people, if you enjoy sharing experiences with others, if you like to employ your talents in helping others learn – through games, talks and discussions, songs and creative pursuits – you will make a great language teacher.
- Are you an adept user of social media? Are you skilled in finding and verifying information, managing data and creating new content? Would you like to become a media specialist? Our sub-major Multicultural Business & Media Studies is perfect for you!
- Practical profile: we focus on practical skills;
- Our teachers have rich professional experience outside academia as translators, managers of cultural events, media experts, editors, publishing industry professionals;
- We are a TOEIC and TOEFL (IBT) certified examination centre which lets our students acquire these certificates after the Final Practical English Exam at the conclusion of their studies;
- Intensive studies of the second foreign language through 5 semesters, supplemented by courses in the culture of the chosen area, allowing students to reach the B2 level;
- All our classes and lectures are interactive;
- Our program is fully interdisciplinary, connecting the learning of practical English, the study of English-language cultures and literatures, mastering and development of professional skills
- Our classes, workshops and seminars are tailored each year to our students’ particular interests and needs;
- Our classes are conducted in small groups, which lets us pay attention to each student’s talents and inclinations;
- We teach how to use new technologies for study and daily professional practice;
- Our students and teachers create a dynamic multicultural environment.
If you want to apply for the English Studies program, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:
- having passed your secondary school English exam at the advanced level
- being the holder of an English language certificate (B1 or higher).
A sufficient number of candidates is required to activate enrolment.
Practical knowledge of English, as well as of translation, media and cultural studies, including their practical application in the job market – this is what you will gain by studying English Philology at Vistula University.
With us you will discover the culture, history, literature and media of the English-speaking world. You will gain basic knowledge of marketing and business, as well as practical professional experience. You will develop your soft skills, including discussion and effective argumentation in writing and speech. You will learn rhetorical strategies and methods of textual analysis. These skills will come in useful in many professional areas – in business, in the cultural or educational sphere, as well as in media activity.
You will also select a second foreign language for extensive study (students may currently choose between Spanish, German, Chinese and Polish). Practical classes will allow you to achieve the B2 level of linguistic competence. You will also explore the culture behind the chosen language through supplementary courses in history, literature and cinema. At the same time, courses in the languages of business environment will prepare you to effectively function in multicultural corporations.
The level of English of our graduates is confirmed by the TOEIC final exam, which enables students to acquire an international certificate.
- the fundamental problems of contemporary civilization including the works of culture, traditions of the appropriate language area, theories and schools of thought in the field of cultural and literary studies / translation studies,
- on the advanced level: practical use of the primary foreign language in cultural and media activity,
- the basic principles of starting and developing various forms of entrepreneurship,
- the principles of intellectual and industrial property and copyright,
- on the advanced level: selected facts, objects and phenomena and theories and methodologies related to them, explaining complex inter-relationships between entities which constitute the basic knowledge in the field of philology,
- selected aspects of detailed and particularized data in the field of the selected specialization,
- basic economic, legal, ethical and other conditions of various types of professional activities connected with the work of a philology-related professions.
- communicate with others using specialized terminology,
- communicate with others in a multicultural context applying the knowledge in the field of philology, building intercultural connections and supporting diversity,
- participate in debates – present and evaluate various opinions and points of view and discuss them,
- use the primary foreign language on the C1 level according to European Language Levels (CEFR),
- use second foreign language on the B2 level according to European Language Levels (CEFR),
- plan and organize work, both individually and within a team; cooperate with other people in group work (including interdisciplinary tasks),
- independently plan and put into practice one’s own lifelong learning process, developing one’s language skills and communication skills,
- apply the knowledge acquired in completing tasks typical for the professional activity connected with the field of philology in not fully predictable conditions,
- apply the knowledge acquired by formulating and solving complex and untypical problems, conduct critical analysis and interpretation of the cultural and literary works of the studied area through proper selection and application of appropriate methodology and tools,
- apply the knowledge acquired by contributing to the development and popularization of culture and literature of the studied area,
- creatively and purposefully apply the knowledge acquired, through research, proper selection, evaluation, critical analysis and synthesis of information collected, with the use of appropriate methods and tools, including sophisticated information and communication technology.
- critically assess the level of personal knowledge and information received in the field of philology,
- recognize the importance of knowledge in the process of solving educational and practical issues and seeking expert opinion in case of difficulties with solving the problem individually,
- fulfil social obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of social groups; actively participate in the cultural life of society,
- initiate activities for the benefit of society; think and act in an enterprising manner,
- act in responsible professional manner, including observance of ethical professional principles and requiring the same from others, taking care of the heritage and traditions of the philology-related profession.
Practical aspects are considered very important at Vistula University, therefore our program includes a total of three months of internship (720 hours, 27 ECTS). You can get practical experience through internships at translation agencies, cultural or media institutions, within the education sector, publishing industry or international corporations. The key criterion for choosing the internship site is the use of English on a daily basis at the advanced level. Consultations provided by dedicated staff at Vistula help students learn the basic principles of each relevant market segment, as well as help them to master the skills required to find employment upon graduation: searching for job offers, writing résumés, creating professional profiles in social media and HR services, effective writing and design of job applications. All this will help you gain valuable experience in the professional sphere and key skills to navigate the changeable job market. Such preparation will help you easily find the job of your dreams after completing your studies.
Our lecturers understand the importance of the practical aspect – most of our classes aim at improving your language skills. Translation workshops (in the business sphere, specialist texts, literary works and film) are conducted for those who plan to become professional translators.
The Practical English curriculum is integrated with information on the culture and history of the Anglophone countries. Courses reach beyond the canon, allowing students to gain knowledge of the key characteristics of contemporary literature as well as high and popular culture through discussions and workshops, aimed at fostering advanced skills of analysis and critical thinking. Each year, classes are tailored anew to students’ particular needs and interests.
In addition, students gain the basic knowledge necessary for functioning in contemporary media: editing and creating texts, preparing various textual and audio-visual materials, critical analysis and interpretation, effective communication within new media.
I. Practical English Component
· Accents in English (3 ECTS)
The course is devoted to the main aspects of pronunciation of sounds in English. The goal is to provide the students with instructions on peculiarities of articulation of sounds in English as well as general theoretical information about English phonetics and phonology. The course will also focus on the varieties of pronunciation in various English-speaking countries.
Additionally, students learn about the major background historical processes related to changes in English spelling and pronunciation, e.g. the Great Vowel Shift.
· English Grammar & Style 1-4 (12 ECTS)
The course objectives are revision and mastery of grammar structures covered in the course curriculum. The emphasis is on improving practical skills as regards context-oriented grammar and the awareness of grammar-related differences in meaning. The course enables students to improve their language competence, as well as identify and eliminate common errors that hinder listening comprehension and effective communication of their own thoughts, feelings, and intentions in English. The course is also meant to make students more sensitive to grammar nuances in their pastime activities, such as watching films or online video clips.
· Effective Communication: Writing, Design and Presentation (4 ECTS)
The aim of the course is to develop the writing skills of the students, so that their academic performance is greatly enhanced, and they can produce skillful written texts of various types, and present their ideas in an attractive form and convincing manner.
· English in Corporate Culture (3 ECTS)
This course is an introduction to the segment of courses on Business English. It will cover the role of English as the lingua franca of the business world, introducing key contexts in which English is useful. It will help students to begin developing basic business vocabulary.
· Oral Communication – Listening Skills / Speaking Skills (6 ECTS)
The objective of this course is to develop the ability to use English language in speech, both formal and informal as well as develop listening skills. Students get to know a variety of communicative situations and learn how to adequately react to them. Another objective is to suggest to students further ways of developing their speaking and listening skills in English.
· Reading and Discussion – Intensive Reading / Extensive Reading (6 ECTS)
The course aims to introduce to students works of literature and teach them the basics of text analysis through active discussion in class and task assignments, preparing the students for independent work on various literary texts in the future.
· Rhetoric, Debating and Presentation Analysis (3 ECTS)
The course will introduce the groundwork of rhetoric, teaching the basic techniques for presentation of ideas. It will also include a segment dedicated to effective debating skills (reaction to the opponent’s presentation). In order to accomplish this, the course will focus on close analysis of the rhetoric devices and content of oral and written speeches (from the political, social and cultural context).
· English in Literature, Film and the Arts (3 ECTS)
The course will present students with authentic English-language material taken from the context of Anglophone countries and facilitate advancement of discussion techniques and vocabulary practice through engagement with these materials.
· Textual Analysis (4 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to introduce the basic techniques and strategies of textual analysis. The first goal is teaching students to locate texts in their contexts, deducing important details of cultural, social and political setting from the information provided in the texts. The next goal is to teach students to pay close attention to and to analyse the language and style. The third goal is to make students aware of the basic narratological devices and schemes. The final goal is to provide a methodological framework for interpretation.
· Public Speaking and Presentations (3 ECTS)
The course aims to teach the students the most effective methods of presenting academic and non-academic content in public presentations and speeches, both with and without the use of contemporary information technology tools.
· Business Vocabulary and Use 1-2 (5 ECTS)
The course aims to develop business vocabulary (oral and written) and introduce its use and particular conventions; to study a range of expressions related to entrepreneurship, to cover the basic concepts used in business practice; to master a fluent style in simple business writing.
· Professional Editing Skills (3 ECTS)
The course is a practical introduction to editing skills, preparing students for writing academic texts. It introduces technical aspects of editing in MS Word; ways to format a bibliography, introduce graphics and figures into the text, provide proper indices and other apparatus. It also focuses on the style of written texts, providing students with opportunity to proof-read and edit the work of their peers.
· Discursive Techniques in Speech and Writing (2 ECTS)
The course will develop the skills introduced by the “Rhetoric, Debating and Presentation Analysis” course. Students will engage in a close analysis of discursive techniques used by writers and speakers; they will learn to integrate various discursive devices in their own utterances, both written and oral. The goal of the course is to teach the students to prepare well-argued and structured texts and public speeches.
· Critical Thinking Seminar (3 ECTS)
This course, conducted in the form of a seminar, will engage students in the critical analysis of complex texts in their cultural contexts. The texts addressed in the course will often concern controversial topics, and the students will be expected to assess them critically and analytically and to be able to produce coherent and objective responses.
· Introduction to Research Methods in Humanities (3 ECTS)
The course objective is to introduce advanced academic writing techniques and teach students the strategies of academic research, preparing them for their diploma projects.
· Debate and Persuasion Skills (2 ECTS)
This course continues to develop skills introduced by “Rhetoric, Debating and Presentation Analysis” course. It focuses on persuasive techniques, especially useful in the public debate. Students will be asked to prepare well-argued extended presentations. The course teaches students to recognize various logical fallacies and find effective methods to address them in a debate.
· Language of Business Negotiations (3 ECTS)
The course introduces basic concepts of the practice of business negotiations and teaches the key vocabulary necessary to facilitate such activities. The students learn to competently function in this context and become prepared to carry out oral translation during various business meetings as well as prepare the documentation and correspondence to conduct business negotiations in writing.
· Advanced Textual Analysis Seminar (3 ECTS)
The aim of this course is to develop higher-order reading skills and to train students to read attentively, think critically and analytically, construct perceptive interpretations based on textual evidence. The students will also be asked to produce critical texts, of an argumentative or analytical nature, demonstrating their grasp of textual analysis methodologies.
· Internship (27 ECTS)
The internship will take place in translation agencies, language schools, institutions of culture and media, corporations and firms, publishing industry companies in which the use of English language on an advanced level is an essential part of daily work. The goal of the internship is the development of students’ knowledge, skills and competences specific for each area, in addition to: organizational skills, communication skills, etc. The unternship program includes 720 hours at the location of internship and 18 hours of a preparatory orientation course and support consultations with the Internship Coordinator.
· Academic Skills and Intellectual Property (1 ECTS)
The course prepares the students to function in the academic environment. They are introduced to the ways of finding key information, basic sources (online databases and resource libraries, dictionaries and reputable encyclopaedic sources, etc.). The main goal is to introduce the standards and requirements regarding intellectual property and copyright in order to avoid plagiarism. Additionally students are introduced to the standards of communication within the academic environment.
II. Other obligatory courses
· Strategies of Foreign Language Learning (3 ECTS)
The course will outline useful areas of past and present trends in second language acquisition theory, with particular attention to the practical aspects of the most popular study techniques. It will show the students how to use various approaches and methods of language teaching and learning, necessary for successful language skill development.
· Language in Intercultural Communication 1-2 (8 ECTS)
Course objectives: to introduce some of the key concepts from the field of the theory of cross-cultural communication; to provide samples of cross-cultural contexts in British and American literature; to develop students’ intercultural communicative competence; to look at the role of culture in language and human relations; to introduce various views of English and American culture from the point of view of outsiders, as well as a vision of the wider world from the point of view of Anglophone cultures.
· History of the Anglosphere (4 ECTS)
Course objectives: introducing the key events in the history and culture of the Anglophone area. Upon completing this course the students will be able to find information on the culture and history of the English-speaking world; interpret the texts of culture; post research questions on the key problems of the field.
· Readings in British Literature 1 (4 ECTS)
The course will introduce the most important works of British literature in the period from 7th to 19th century. The students will read and study the texts of early Anglo- Saxon period, Medieval Arthurian romances, Renaissance drama and poetry, Metaphysical poetry, novels (from the rise of the genre to its full development in 19th century), Romantic poetry. Most important literary terms will be defined and discussed. Exercises will include close reading of selected texts.
· Readings in American Literature 1 (4 ECTS)
The course consists in analysis, discussion and interpretation of selected texts. The aim of the course is to build students’ knowledge about American literature and culture, and to teach students to read literary texts critically, with an increased awareness of their historical and cultural context. The course also develops language skills (advanced reading and speaking).
· Contemporary Literature of the Anglopshere (4 ECTS)
Course objectives: the course will introduce the most important works of literature from the period of the 20th and 21st century, both in British and American literature. The students will read and study the texts of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, discussing the structure of modernist prose; T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and E.E. Cummings as examples of modernist poetry; postmodernist writers from various Anglophone contexts (Lodge, Spark, Fowles, Nabokov, Carter) and contemporary works (McEwan, Barnes, Banville, etc.). Concepts such as modernism, postmodernism, metafiction, historiographic metafiction, etc. will be defined and explained through examples.
III. Extended Study of the Second Foreign Language
· Second Foreign Language 1-5 (23 ECTS)
Students acquire linguistic skills in the chosen foreign language, eventually reaching the B2 level. Grammar, vocabulary, reading and discussion skills, listening and speaking skills are consistently developed through the 5-semester study of the language.
· History and Culture of the Second Language Area (3 ECTS)
The course introduces the key events in the history and culture of the appropriate area. Upon completing this course the students will be able to find information on the culture and history of the area; interpret the texts of culture; pose research questions on the key problems of the field.
· Second Foreign Language in Corporate Culture (3 ECTS)
The course allows the students to acquire basic knowledge of the language used in business corporations. It begins by introducing key business contexts and terms. It helps students to begin developing basic business vocabulary in the second foreign language.
· Second Foreign Language in Literature, Film and the Arts (3 ECTS)
The course presents students with authentic second-language material taken from the context of the language area and facilitate advancement of discussion techniques and vocabulary practice through engagement with these materials. The study of adaptation in its various forms is the secondary aim of the course.
· Literature of the Second Language Area (3 ECTS)
The course introduces the most important works of literature of the given area. Key literary terms are defined and discussed. Exercises include close reading of selected texts.
IV. Elective courses
Multicultural Business and Media Studies sub-major
· Introduction to Film Studies (3 ECTS)
This course introduces the students to the history and scope of film studies. It addresses the aesthetics of cinema and its cultural dimension, and reviews the key critical theories of film. The practical goal is to engage students in film analysis and criticism and to teach how to discuss specific films from a variety of perspectives.
· British and American Media (3 ECTS)
The course introduces the key concepts of Media Studies, and conducts a comparative analysis of content in British vs. American media (TV, newspapers and magazines, new media and the Web). The course focuses on the language used in media productions and on the evaluation of the efficiency and trustworthiness of communication. It also discusses various media-specific cultural phenomena, like memes and internet subcultures.
· Psychology of Communication (3 ECTS)
The course introduces the basic terms associated with psychology of communication, focusing on the social contexts. The terms, theories and concepts are discussed from the point of view of the business environment and corporate culture. The course includes a theoretical and practical part, allowing the students to study varieties of behaviour within business culture.
· New Media Communication Techniques (3 ECTS)
The course is dedicated to the New Media. It discusses the relation between culture and the media and the influence of new forms of communication in the creation of a technology-bound world. More specifically, it discusses the impact of social media on culture and society, new forms of political speech and of manipulation of consent, as well as the new opportunities and challenges for business and journalism that come with the new media landscape.
· Language in Advertisement (3 ECTS)
The course focuses on the specificity of English used in advertising, studying the patterns of communication across media. Various advertising techniques are briefly introduced, with a special focus on the language aspect. The course prepares students to conduct a further study into the strategies and policies of advertising and make them aware of the potentialities contained in the language.
Translation Studies
· Introduction to Translation Studies (3 ECTS)
The course introductes the key problems in translation theory. Students learn the most important concepts in the field of translation and follow the development of translation techniques over time. Having completed the course, the student is able to identify and apply in practice translation methods and strategies, both in oral and written translation.
· Translation in Context (3 ECTS)
Translation may be seen as a form of cross-cultural communication, intimately connected to the context of culture within which both the target language and the original language operate. This course approaches translation through issues of context , history and convention. It studies particular cultural constraints which define understanding of a text in a given language and demand application of particular practices and strategies for successful translation.
· Oral Translation Skills (3 ECTS)
The course develops the translation skills of the students, focusing on the oral practice. Simultaneous translation and consecutive translation techniques are discussed and practiced. Students also analyse translation practice conducted by professionals.
· New Technologies in Translation (3 ECTS)
The course teaches the students how to benefit from the new technological developments to aid translation process. Machine translation is considered and its application discussed. Special translation software is introduced and put into use, and students master both technical and content and style-related aspects of the translation process.
· Literary Translation (3 ECTS)
The course objectives include developing translation techniques and strategies for translation of literary texts, including prose, critical writing, poetry and film translation. The course introduces the practical application of the translation theory studied in the Introduction to Translation course; the students learn usage of vocabulary in various contexts and develop translation skills through practice.
Anglophone Culture and Literature in the Global Context
· Journalistic and Critical Writing (4 ECTS)
This course prepares the students for writing critical and journalistic texts by introducing the principles and practice of journalism and film and literature criticism. It covers the following topics: identifying interesting stories and texts; gathering information through research and interviews; prepare stylistically satisfying framework (beginnings, endings, communication of the key ideas); how to conduct storytelling and argumentation to engage the readers. Students work both on crafting the texts and revising them to achieve excellence.
· Textual Analysis and Close Reading Techniques (4 ECTS)
The course introduces the Close Reading method, building on the skills acquired by students in the Advanced Textual Analysis course. It allows the students to employ the critical apparatus, but focuses on enabling students to conduct independent analysis of text fragments and arrive at novel interpretations.
· Readings in British Literature 2 (3 ECTS)
This course enhances the students’ knowledge of British literature by focusing on a particular research area. The topics and texts for study will be selected based on the interests of the students. They may be, for instance: „From Gothic to Detective Fiction”, „The Unreliable Narrator”, „The Feminist Novel”, a course dedicated to a particular writer, etc.
· Readings in American Literature 2 (3 ECTS)
This course enhances the students’ knowledge of American literature by focusing on a particular research area. The topics and texts for the study will be selected based on the interests of the students. Thiey may be, for instance: “Herman Melville’s Fiction”, “Vladimir Nabokov and the Text as a Puzzle”, “American Gothic”, “Detective Fiction in Postmodern Age”, “Literary Doppelgängers”, etc.
· Introduction to Creative Writing (3 ECTS)
This course engages students creatively, providing the basics needed to begin writing literary texts. The course utilizes analysis of the canonical texts to indicate effective devices. Students write, analyse, revise and critique the texts produced by their peers.
V. Seminars
· Proseminar (1 ECTS)
The course aims to introduce the formal guidelines and basic suggestions for working on diploma projects.
· BA Seminars 1-2 (6 ECTS)
BA Seminar is a 2-semester course which consists of seminar meetings and individual consultations with the academic supervisor, who provides detailed guidance for the individual projects of the students. It contains a brief introduction to the methodology of writing a BA thesis (building upon the Proseminar and Introduction to Research Methods in Humanities courses), and provide guidance for the process of collecting material, selecting sources, critically analysing and synthetically discussing various aspects of the project.
There are 4 seminars to choose from:
History and Culture of the English-Speaking Area 1-2 (6 ECTS)
In this seminar, the projects may deal with discourse analysis, cultural studies and the history of the English-speaking area. They may contain elements of a survey, but the emphasis will be laid on analytical and speculative parts. Another major aspect of the project will be the application of various popularization strategies to convert the scholarly research within the thesis into material which may be used to draw the attention of the general public (or a particular audience identified as important for the scope of the project).
Students will read, analyse, interpret, evaluate and discuss in class a variety of primary and secondary sources in order to develop their theses. They will integrate such sources into their theses and practice a variety of research methods and strategies. Students will be instructed to write a thesis with clear argumentation, strong supporting evidence and sophisticated analysis appropriate for academic writing.
The final stage will concern the practical project to be prepared by the student for the purpose of popularizing Anglophone cultures. Such a project may be:
- a multimedia presentation for a broader audience,
- an installation or exhibition curatorship project,
- a social media interactive project
- other work which engages the student’s practical English language skills, as well as those required in cultural or media activity.
Literature & Culture (6 ECTS)
The Literature and Culture Seminar is aimed to raise students’ awareness of the nature of culture and literature in society, its various forms and features, by looking at theories of culture and literature, as well as key terms and sample texts. Areas of research include high and popular British and American culture, including media, cinema, pop music, customs and traditions, sports, etc., British and American literature, culture and literature of Commonwealth countries, particularly postcolonial fiction. A major aspect of the project will be the application of various popularization strategies to convert the scholarly research within the thesis into material which may be used to draw the attention of the general public (or a particular audience identified as important for the scope of the project).
Students will read, analyse, interpret, evaluate and discuss in class a variety of primary and secondary sources in order to develop their theses. They will integrate such sources into their theses and practice a variety of research methods and strategies. Students will be instructed to write a thesis with clear argumentation, strong supporting evidence and sophisticated analysis appropriate for academic writing.
The final stage will concern the practical project to be prepared by the student for the purpose of popularizing Anglophone cultures, in particular film and literature. Such a project may be:
- a multimedia presentation for a broader audience,
- an installation or exhibition curatorship project,
- a social media interactive project,
- a creative work (screenplay, short story, pastiche, short film, etc.),
- a video essay,
- other work which engages the student’s practical English language skills, as well as those required in cultural or media activity.
Media Studies (6 ECTS)
In this seminar, the projects may concern media studies, game studies, film or other visual arts, possibly in connection with literature and wider cultural studies. Particular attention will be dedicated to the preparation of the practical part of the project, which may be based on the work conducted by the student during internship, or creating a sample of media material which could help the student showcase his or her skills so as to get a job within the media sector.
Students will read, analyse, interpret, evaluate and discuss in class a variety of primary and secondary sources in order to develop their theses. They will integrate such sources into their theses and practice a variety of research methods and strategies. Students will be instructed to write a thesis with clear argumentation, strong supporting evidence and sophisticated analysis appropriate for academic writing.
The final stage will concern the practical project to be prepared by the student for the purpose of popularizing Anglophone cultures. Such a project may be:
- a multimedia presentation for a larger audience,
- an installation or exhibition curatorship project,
- a social media interactive project,
- a creative work (game script, article, multimedia project, etc.)
- a video essay
- other work which engages the student’s practical English language skills, as well as those required in cultural or media activity.
Translation Studies (6 ECTS)
The seminar in Translation Studies will introduce the basic strategies of analysing translation of literary, journalistic, academic or business texts. Comparative studies, process analysis, advanced analysis of translation methods and strategies may be adapted by the students for their projects. The projects must contain at least a brief theoretical part, but may in their bulk be practical applications of the methods, strategies and techniques studied within the Translation Studies specialization. Students are encouraged to build their projects upon their experience from the internship.
Students will read, analyse, interpret, evaluate and discuss in class a variety of primary and secondary sources in order to develop their theses. They will integrate such sources into their theses and practice a variety of research methods and strategies. Students will be instructed to write a thesis with clear argumentation, strong supporting evidence and sophisticated analysis appropriate for academic writing.
The final stage will concern the practical project to be prepared by the student for the purpose of popularizing Anglophone cultures or as a practical translation work. Such a project may be:
- a translation project conducted during the internship,
- a multimedia presentation for a larger audience,
- installation or exhibition curatorship project,
- a social media interactive project,
- other work which engages the student’s practical English language skills, as well as those required in the field of translation, cultural or media activity.
After the 2nd semester students select their sub-major elective subjects from among the following:
- Multicultural Business and Media Studies,
- Translation Studies,
- Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Global Context.
Multicultural Business and Media Studies
This sub-major is designed for those who seek their own place in global market through an understanding of the contemporary media and communication professions. The program allows the students to experience the dynamics of the media sphere and learn effective business communication.
List of courses:
- Introduction to Film Studies (3 ECTS)
- British and American Media (3 ECTS)
- Psychology of Communication (3 ECTS)
- New Media Communication Techniques (3 ECTS)
- Language in Advertisement (3 ECTS)
Translation Studies
This sub-major will equip you with the practical knowledge preparing you to become a translator/interpreter. You will learn the essentials of business and their application in professional situations in the English-language context. You will also learn translation and interpretation techniques used in various professional spheres.
List of courses:
- Introduction to Translation Studies (3 ECTS)
- Translation in Context (3 ECTS)
- Oral Translation Skills (3 ECTS)
- New Technologies in Translation (3 ECTS)
- Literary Translation (3 ECTS)
Anglophone Culture and Literature: Global Context and Heritage
With this sub-major, you will gain knowledge of the history and cultural diversity of Anglophone countries, and learn the essentials of film studies and journalistic writing. You will also become acquainted with elements of the publishing industry.
List of courses:
- Readings in British Literature 2 (3 ECTS)
- Readings in American Literature 2 (3 ECTS)
- Journalistic and Critical Writing (3 ECTS)
- Textual Analysis and Close Reading Techniques (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to Creative Writing (3 ECTS)
The English Studies program has been designed to prepare you for your chosen career. A practical approach combined with a wide range of skills mastered during your studies will enable you to freely develop and make informed decisions about your future, and especially your career choices. After graduating from Vistula University, you will acquire the degree of ‘Bachelor of Arts in English Studies’.
See for yourself that Vistula is the best University in practice. Discover the benefits of enrolling in English Studies.
Foreign languages
You will develop your knowledge of English, reaching the C1 level (EU Standards) within just three years. You will also learn a selected second foreign language, reaching the B2 level. Advanced knowledge of two languages will enable you to easily find a job – be it at a language school, multicultural corporation, translation agency, media organization or cultural institution. The job market is wide open for people with well-developed language skills.
Applied knowledge
You will learn the business and legal basics of working as a translator, publisher, or cultural events organizer, including the basic terminology and regulations regarding industrial property rights and copyright.
Professional translation
You will acquire the skills necessary to professionally translate and interpret basic texts from the areas of business, law, and culture.
Familiarity with the media and cultural sphere
You will learn to navigate new media, create new material and critically analyse content in new and traditional media, you will learn the fundamental principles of journalism and key aspects of media studies.
After graduating with a degree in English Studies (depending on your sub-major), you will be able to find work:
- as a teacher in language schools,
- as an editor for English-language websites and press outlets,
- as an organizer and manager of cultural events,
- in translation agencies,
- in the publishing industry,
- in the media,
- in the entertainment sector,
- in international companies and corporations,
- in NGOs, state and public organizations, cultural and educational institutions.
The graduate of the practical program of philology with the bachelor’s degree, regardless of the chosen sub-major:
- uses the primary foreign language at the C1 level and is able to easily adjust its use to the situational context, taking into account cultural conditions (through proper selection of style and vocabulary),
- effectively communicates thoughts in the primary foreign language, whether in public presentations and speeches, or in other situations requiring productive language skills, using knowledge of the cultural context, which makes communication more idiomatic and compelling,
- is able to function in a multicultural environment due to knowledge of two foreign languages (the second foreign language at the B2 level), as well as the theory and practice of intercultural communication,
- is able to function in business enterprises and corporations where the primary foreign language is required, due to in-depth knowledge of the business vocabulary and style, as well as skills in use of ICT, applied both in text editing and creating multimedia presentations,
- is able to analyse and interpret various texts in the primary foreign language, and present the results of such analysis in a coherent and logical statements,
- has experience in the use of the primary foreign language in professional practice (acquired during internship) and is able to use the language skills to popularize and promote the culture and literature of the chosen language area, as well as actively participate in cultural and social life.
In addition, the graduate of the:
Translation Studies sub-major:
- is familiar with the theory and practice of oral and written translation, including the use of computer assisted technologies, and is able to choose the right strategy and vocabulary depending on the type of translated material (literary text, film, business document),
- is able to use the knowledge of literary and cultural texts of the studied area in translation practice, noticing such references and transposing them into the target language.
Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Global Context sub-major:
- is prepared to closely analyse texts of the studied area, including literary texts, indicating possible interpretations, enabling understanding and application of subtle techniques of communication,
- is able to identify and employ references to key events and figures in the history of the studied area, as well as in the cultural and literary texts, enabling more effective and natural communication with the natives of the studied area,
- is familiar with the theory and practice of film studies, literary criticism and journalism, which – along with knowledge of the cultural context (including literature of the studied area) – makes it possible to find future employment as a journalist, critic, editor, writer or in another role in the sphere of culture or media.
Multicultural Business and Media Studies sub-major:
- is able to operate in the contemporary business environment and media institutions due to knowledge of the psychology of communication, new media and the principles of their functioning, as well as of the basic information about the publishing industry,
- is able to effectively prepare various business texts and conduct business negotiations, improving communication through knowledge of the language and techniques of advertisement.