We are here to assist you with that!
Young ambitious people can gain practical skills and start their careers through internships and employment in Denmark's modernized enterprises.
Internships in Denmark are broadly classified into 4 categories:
Step 1
You are currently a student in a specialized educational institution related to Dairy Farms, Pig Farms, Horticulture, or Hospitality.
Step 2
You are between the ages of 18 and 29. You are ready for work that requires physical fitness.
Step 3
You have a KET, TOEFL, or IELTS certificate with at least A2 level (pre-intermediate)
Denmark is one of the richest developed countries in the world, being a member of the European Union and referring to the group of Scandinavian countries. Denmark is an ancient state with a vast historical past that has been independent for the last 11 centuries. Throughout all this time, it has managed to create a modern, thriving democracy in its territory.
The approximate average income before tax, including the holiday money table you've mentioned, indicates the internship salaries for different periods and age categories, both in Danish Krone (DKK) and Euros (€). Here's a summary of the information:
Period |
Age Category |
Salary in DKK |
Salary in Euros |
First six months of internship |
- |
14,000 DKK |
1870 € |
Last 12 months under 25 years |
Under 25 years |
16,000 DKK |
2100 € |
Last 12 months after 25 years |
Over 25 years |
18,800 DKK |
2500 € |
This table outlines the salaries for different periods and age categories during an internship. The wages increase for the last 12 months of the training, and the amount varies depending on whether the individual is under 25 or over 25 years old.
If you have any more questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask!
Denmark welcomes students from agricultural, hospitality and food technology higher educational institutions for on-the-job training in the different sectors. Danish farms and facilities take leading positions in the global rating by such criteria as introducing innovative technologies, ecology and humanity of manufacturing, livestock management quality control, production process and realisation of output. Danish food products are considered one of the world's most qualitative and ecologically cleanest.
Visa Requirements
Documents for Visa
Work permission and COPY
Once you have been assigned a CPR number, it is necessary to select a doctor. Once you have done so, you will receive a health insurance card. This card will be yellow and will include your CPR number as well as your doctor's name. The card will be sent to your address in Denmark, so please ensure that your name is clearly displayed on your mailbox. Additionally, any certificates related to this process must be in English, German, or a Scandinavian language.
A digital signature is a widely used login solution for Danish online banking, government websites, and private companies. You will receive your NEM ID along with a card containing all your login credentials and passwords, which you must keep safe and not misplace. Your NEM ID can be obtained using your CPR number.
You are ready to open your bank account when you are registered in Denmark (received your yellow card). To open a Danish bank account, you must bring these documents.
Identity papers with photo (ID/passport/driving license)
• Documentation of your address in Denmark (CPR, NEM ID, registration paper)
• Work Contract: You can get more information from individual banks.
As soon as you get your bank account, please send all the information to your employer so he can send you your salary.Good banks can be Danske Bank, Jyske, Nordea.
When you apply for CPR, you are providing the SIRI office with your accommodation address, and you will automatically get in 2 weeks the residence card (pink card) at your address. If you didn’t get your residence card after 8 weeks, you have to call SIRI office at +45 71 14 20 03
In Denmark, the society is structured as a welfare state where every resident is expected to contribute during their stay. For instance, healthcare is free for all learners in Denmark, Norway, and Germany, and it is financed through taxes. At bixter.training, we have ensured that all our students are registered with the tax office, so you don't have to worry about any paperwork.
For an explanation of the Danish Tax system
In Denmark, taxes are calculated on a private base for each individual. Meaning it's sometimes different from the same % tax that I pay as my coworkers pay. There are some deductions, and the % of tax will always depend on how much you earn before taxes.
In total, you, as a trainee, must pay these kinds of taxes:
Danish income tax includes municipal tax, health system contribution (sundhedsbidrag), AM-bidrag and state tax.
Arbejdmarkedsbidrag (AM-bidrag) – labour market contribution
In addition to municipal taxes, all employees in Denmark also pay a labour market contribution (AM-bidrag) of 8 %. This is a tax, which, among other things, covers in the event of unemployment and sickness benefits and expenditure for training and activation. The labour market contribution is deducted from your entire gross earnings. Income tax is then removed.
Municipal tax and sundhedsbidrag
Municipal tax makes up the most significant portion of the total income tax, 24 %(2019) for commuters living in Denmark.
State tax in Denmark
State tax increases in line with income. In 2020, the following applied:
Managing your tax in TastSelv
In Denmark, Skattestyrelsen has a system called TastSelv. You can find more information on Skattestyrelsen's website. In TastSelv, you can change the information if your income changes during the year, among other things. You need a NemID or a TastSelv code to access your tax information. So that you know, the TastSelv code is only valid until the 1st of January 2020 and will then be removed as an option for logging in.
You can also read more here: More info here.
In Denmark, a working week is 37 hours, accumulated into 160.2 hours a month. A working day lasts approximately 8 hours – excluding self-paid breaks. You earn the right to 5 weeks of vacation money per year. They can be used in two ways:
When you arrive in Denmark, the host family will meet you at the airport, drive you to the house/apartment, and help you accommodate. The accommodation price is 200-250€ per month.
Cell phone
When you are coming to Denmark for a more extended period, it is always a good idea to get a Danish number – of course, if the operator from your country is not offering something better. The cheapest option is the Lebara operator.
• 49dkk = 4GB 4G data + 4 hours in Denmark + to 50 countries
• 99dkk = 100GB 4G data + 100 hours in Denmark + 50 countries
• 149dkk = 200GB 4G data + 200 hours in Denmark + 50 countries
Buses and trains are the best options if you want to travel around in your free time. You can see the schedules and prices on www.dsb.dk. You can also look at the possibilities of discount cards for buses and trains here: https://www.rejsekort.dk/.
The five discount supermarkets you want to look for are Netto, Fakta, Aldi, Lidl and Rema 1000. Netto and Fakta are Danish, Rema1000 is Norwegian, and the rest are German. Nevertheless, those five supermarkets are the best choice for daily shopping as well as for their special offers (always look for a sign Tilbud – discount). Every week you can find different special offers in each shop.