Constitution Day in Poland in 2022

When is Polish Constitution Day?
Constitution Day in Poland is always celebrated annually on 3 May.
In Polish, it is known as 'Swieto Trzeciego Maja', which means 'National Third of May day'.
Constitution Day marks the declaration and adoption of Poland's first constitution on 3 May 1791.
History of Polish Constitution Day
Poland's constitution was the first constitution to be adopted in Europe and the second only in the world - the American constitution of 1789, being the oldest. The first draft of the Polish constitution dates back to 1788.
The Polish constitution was based on principles influenced by the French revolution and introduced a constitutional monarchy.
The constitution itself applied to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth and the implementation of the constitution led to the 'War of the defense of the constitution' between the commonwealth and conservative nobility backed by the Russian empire.
This led to the annulment of the constitution just 19 months later, but the 3 May constitution is still regarded as a key event in the history of Poland.
After gaining independence in 1918, this day became a holiday, but like many national holidays, it was not celebrated during the time of the communist government.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was restored by the Act of 6 April 1990 and the first gala celebration took place in Warsaw's Castle Square on 3 May 1990 in the presence of President Wojciech Jaruzelski.