Embassy of Poland in Ethiopia

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Addis Ababa

address:  Dej. Belay Zeleke Road, Gulele sub-City, Kebele 08, House No 583, POBox 27207/1000 Addis Ababa
phone: +251 11 157 41 89, +251 11 157 41 90
e-mail:  addisabeba.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov .pl

Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Addis Ababa

Emergency telephone

In emergency situations requiring urgent intervention of the consul, it is possible to contact the following telephone number: +251 91 152 39 89  (The call may sometimes start with a voice message about the call redirection. Please do not hang up, after a while the right call should be established) or by e-mail -mail:  AddisAbeba.wk.dyzurny@msz.gov.pl .

It asked the Complaints and italian and

The head of the office in matters of complaints and requests receives every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please notify - by phone or e-mail - the facility about the date of arrival. 

GDPR - Information on the processing of personal data - is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at:




We may not respond to correspondence, including emails, that does not meet the requirements set out in Art. 63 § 2 of the Act of 14 June 1960 Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2096; of 2019, items 60, 730, 1133, as amended ). If you expect an answer, please provide your name, surname, address and a brief description of the matter to which the correspondence relates.

Countries and organizations falling under the territorial competence of the Embassy:

Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, African Union, Intergovernmental Organization for Development (IGAD), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). 

Defense Attaché Office

address:  Dej. Belay Zeleke Road, Gulele sub-City, Kebele 08, House No 583, POBox 27207/1000 Addis Ababa
phone:  +251 11 157 41 89, +251 11 157 41 90
e-mail:  addisabeba@mon.gov.pl

The Defense Attaché at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Addis Ababa represents the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Poland on the territory of the countries where he is accredited. The countries falling under its territorial competence are the  Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya . The task of the Defense Attaché is to facilitate cooperation between the Polish Ministry of Defense and the armed forces in the countries of accreditation, to exchange information on defense matters, security policy and regional security.

social media

Twitter:  @PLinEthiopia

Telegram:  t.me/StudyinPoland_Ethiopia

Source: https://www.gov.pl/web/etiopia/ambasada

Updated on Nov 30, -0001

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