Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

Rankings that are scientifically proven, reliable, and clear!

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is an annual publication for ranking global universities compiled by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, an independent organisation engaged in higher education intelligence analysis and consulting.

The Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Graduate School of Education (formerly the Institute of Higher Education) published the first Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in June 2003. The ARWU rankings, on the other hand, have been released and copyrighted by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy since 2009.

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

This annual publication of the rankings at universities worldwide is focused on five objectives:

The number of students and personnel receiving Nobel Prizes and Medals 
The number of well-voiced scientists chosen from Clarivate Analytics
The number of publications in Nature and Science journals,
The number of publications in the Extended and Social Science Citation index, The Science Citation Index;
Per capita institutional results.


Academic Ranking of Poland Universities 2020

Country Rank Institution World Rank


University of Warsaw 301-400


Jagiellonian University 401-500


AGH University of Science and Technology 701-800


Adam Mickiewicz University 801-900


Gdansk University of Technology 801-900


Warsaw University of Technology 801-900


Medical University of Silesia 901-1000


Medical University of Warsaw 901-1000

* Institutions within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.


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