If you want to apply to any university in Poland, you must take part in the recruitment process, which usually starts in June or at the beginning of July.
You need to meet the requirements that differ at each university, so before applying read all the guidelines on the websites of your chosen universities.
Remember also to read carefully the description of each course that you chose and you'll be fine. Besides requirements usually include:
- English proficiency test
- Matriculation Certificate or equivalent document
- if you are applying for a master - a BA diploma.
The academic year at Polish universities starts with the winter semester at the beginning of October and ends usually at the turn of January and February.
In the first semester, there is a Christmas break that takes place from December 23rd to January 1st.
The examination session is usually in the first half of February, followed by a one-week semester break.
The summer semester starts around the last week of February and lasts until the end of June with a one-week Easter break in April.
Examination sessions usually start in the second half of June.