Examinations & grading

All higher education establishments are expected to provide exams at the end of their courses. Several individual exams or assessments can be administered in different sections of a subject. During the test session, oral and written exams are usually held at the end of each course. Students take different exams for each subject. The success appraisal cycle can be one semester or one school year long. A student must pass all tests and exams in the subjects covered by the program, as well as receive performance assessment credits for all integrated placements, to successfully complete a semester (or a year).


In its Study Rules, each HEI specifies its grading scale. The following marks make up the most typical scale: 

  • 5 very good (bardzo dobry)
  • 4 good (dobry)
  • 3 satisfactory (dostateczny)
  • 2 unsatisfactory/fail (niedostateczny)
  • credit/pass (zaliczenie)

To alter numerical classes, the plus symbol or decimal is often used. It is important to note at this stage that the scaled grades awarded are not immediately transferable to ECTS credits.

Updated on Jan 09, 2021

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