Structure of studies in Poland

Poland is regarded as a very desirable country for pursuing high-quality education. It is a wonderful country that has prioritized education as a long tradition. A delightful example of their dedication is the Polish Flying University. This was a brave educational movement that was run underground, parallel to the restrictive universities which admitted only men in the late 1800s. The Polish Flying University held secret classes in homes and taught various subjects, including arts, sciences, and philosophy. The locations for meetings kept shifting to different spots around Warsaw. Nobel Laureate Marie Sklodowska Curie was among their most famous graduates.

Before one begins their educational life here, they must be aware of the prevalent education norms here. The universities can be private or public, and they all offer three degrees, including Bachelor's, Master's, and doctorate degrees. As an international student, one can choose any degree to accomplish in Poland. These degrees will be recognized all over the world.

Full-time and extramural higher education institutions exist. In European higher education, Poland follows the Bologna Process guidance. Along with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, the Polish study mechanism has been successfully applied (ECTS). The European higher education level makes it possible for students to get their credentials recognized in other countries. 

Studies are carried out at three levels: first-cycle, second-degree, and long-cycle studies. Practical studies (more than half of the ECTS points are allocated to classes that learn practical skills) or academic studies (more than half of the ECTS points are assigned to classes that develop practical skills) are all possible (more than half of the ECTS points are assigned to classes related to the scientific activity conducted at the University).

Updated on Jan 09, 2021

Studies leading to the technical title of licencjat or inynier in the first cycle (3 or 4 years, 6 to 7 semesters). This is the equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in Polish. Its primary goal is to prepare students for potential jobs or further education through a Master's degree program. Students must earn at least 180 ECTS credits to earn this degree.

Second-cycle studies – Master's degree program (1.5–2 years, 3–5 semesters) that follows first-cycle studies and leads to the professional title of Master (magister, or an equivalent degree depending on the course profile). It focuses on the implementation and growth of artistic skills as well as theoretical expertise. The growth of individuality and skills is emphasized in the arts disciplines. Doctoral programs are open to master's degree holders (Ph.D.). Students must accumulate at least 90 ECTS credits to receive the degree.

Aside from the general framework, ten areas of study, such as surgery, dentistry, medical analytics, pharmacy, physiotherapy, veterinary medicine, law, canon law, pre-school and early school education, and special education, only offer long-cycle services.

Long-cycle programs are also available in 13 fields of study, including architecture, theology, acting, puppet theatre acting, art conservation and preservation, psychology, film and television making, film producer, set design, graphics, drawing, sculpture, and studies only for trained soldiers applicants.

Long-cycle research – Master's degree program (4.5–6 years, 9–12 semesters) leading to the technical rank of Master (magister) or an equal degree (depending on course profile). Students must receive at least 300-360 ECTS credits to earn this degree. These single long-cycle experiments are focused on an integrated research program that includes both fundamental and advanced studies. This degree would give you a certificate equal to a second-cycle Master's degree.

Graduates of a Master's degree programme, Master's degree in engineering, equivalent programme, or acquired learning effects for qualifications at the level of 8 Polish Qualification Framework are qualified for doctoral school (which lasts 3 to 4 years and consists of 6 to 8 semesters), whereby learning results in the area of understanding of a contemporary foreign language are recorded by a degree or diploma at least confirming B2 language proficiency. Admission to the doctoral school is decided by a competition based on criteria defined by the University Senate or Science Council. A doctoral school student earns a four-year scholarship. Candidates for a PhD degree must apply and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation in front of a research jury, as well as pass a doctoral test.

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