Post-study work visa in Poland

Work after graduation

It may be really hard to leave such a beautiful country after you complete your education here. Don’t worry if you prefer to stay and work in Poland. As a graduate of a Polish higher education institution full-time program, you don’t need a permit to work here. Just make sure your temporary residence permit is in order.

If you have ever wished or dreamt to study and work in Poland, you must go through the rules and regulations of the residence permit and student visa and stay back options post studies. For Poland, the process is absolutely easy. There is a basic important rule for Post Study Visa in Poland requirements between the students belonging to European Union countries and the students who are outside that territory.

Updated on Jan 11, 2021

For Non-EU and EEA citizens

If you are belonging to any other country except EEA or EU, you must apply for a long-term visa through the Polish embassy or consulate. For this, the enrollment certificate is essential. The visa is valid only for 1 year. Though the validity can be renewed in a local administrative office. This visa allows only 3 months of staying back in Poland. Now, if you want to prolong or extend the period of your stay and need a Post Study visa in Poland, the only, the only way you have is to apply for a residence permit. It is the general rule under the Polish government.

For applying for the permit, the students must have valid proofs of healthcare insurance policies and enough money to bear the cost of the stay. However, it is important that you apply for a temporary residence permit within 3 working days of entering Poland.

The permission to access work is easily available in Poland though it again depends hugely on the citizenship of the student. Here the increase in wage is high and systematic. There is an option for the students to opt for work while doing paid studies.

For EU/EEA citizens

If you are a Citizen of the European Union and EEA countries, and Switzerland, you are eligible to work in Poland without a work permit. If you're a citizen of certain countries like Russia or Ukraine, your access to work in Poland without a work permit for six months to 1-year maximum is granted. In these cases, declaration or authorization of your employment is a must by the authority or employer.

For non-EU/EEA citizens

For Non-EU citizens, working in Poland and a post-study visa in Poland is easy and hassle-free. The students who have enrolled themselves as regular students in Poland are allowed to work in Poland without any specific work permit for full time during the breaks in Academic Institutes. For the rest of the year, they are allowed to work part-time, that is 20 hours a week. But always remember that the EU students will always get the maximum and highest priority for filling up the vacancy. Once the studies are over, a Post-study visa in Poland is necessary. Post studies always the work permit that is the stay permit is needed. Student visa won’t suffice for access to work post studies. The formalities are essential which must be done and organized by the employer as this is the mandatory proof. But after graduation, with the right extension in your Stay Back permit, you do not require any specific work permit for Poland. If you are a graduate student from one of the Universities in Poland, a work permit, even after the studies, is not required.

To get a job, one must have a good command of English. Languages like German, Spanish, and French also work, but English is spoken more. To be ahead, before even arriving in Poland, one should start his or her networking and start looking for a job to work while studying in Poland.

However, one should apply for a student residency permit before signing a contract. An employed student will have to apply for a residency through the work, so it is advisable to get the student residency first, and then start with your work in Poland.

EU and EEA citizens do not need a visa to stay in Poland. If you are an EU/EEA citizen, after a period of 3 months, you must visit a local administrative office and register for the post-study visa in Poland. You must provide valid proofs with regard to your healthcare and financial cost-bearing ability.

Non- EU/EEA citizens

If you are a Non-EU and EEA citizen, you must apply for a long-term visa at your local Polish embassy or consulate to gain a post-study visa in Poland.

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