Medical University of Lodz

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Average cost of living in Poland


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Adres: plac Gen. Józefa Hallera 1, 90-647 Łódź

Total average cost: €330

Compared to other countries in the European Union, living in Poland as a student is relatively inexpensive. The cost of living will start at PLN 1500 (EUR 330) a month for students. The rates, however, depend on the city in which you currently live. It may be slightly more costly to live in the capital and tourist city than in other major Polish cities. You will find out how much it costs to live in Poland for a month on this page. Please notice that non-EU/EEA students have to have ample means to cover the cost of living to be able to study in Poland.

Some examples below offer an idea of the amount students spend in Poland every month.

Monthly Expenses ( Average Value )

Expenses Cost (PLN) Cost (EUR)
Rent (student dormitory) 400 - 600 90 - 140
Public transportation 50 - 60 11 - 13
Health insurance 40 - 60 9 - 13
Phone, internet, and TV subscription bills 80 - 100 17 - 22
Groceries 700 - 900 150 - 200
Entertainment 150 - 200 35 - 45
Average total expenses 1500 - 2000 330 - 430

Cost Polish Big Cities Living

Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lodz, and Katowice are some popular cities for Poland's study destinations. Monthly expenses for student dormitory and public transit fares may be used to compare living costs. Let's take a look now! What town provides the most acceptable cost of living for you?

6-YEAR MD and 5-YEAR DMD – for high school/secondary school graduates

  • A high school diploma or a secondary school leaving certificate or equal as GCE A-level certificates or IB and EB diplomas qualifying for admission to a university or a medical school in the home country.
  • Extended level of knowledge in 2 of the following subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics – documented by the above mentioned school leaving certificates/diplomas. The grades required should be above the average.
    The above knowledge is to be verified during the Skype entrance exam.
  • English competency written and spoken confirmed by the respective certificates as CAE, CPE, TOEFL IBT (minimum 75 points), IELTS (min 6.0 points) if the secondary education was not conducted in English.
    The command of English of candidates who cannot present any of the above certificates will be assessed during the entrance exam.

MD for university graduates (at least a Bachelor’s level of education finished)

If you are a graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, we might have an interesting alternative to the discontinued MD Advanced course. 

  • A high school diploma or a secondary school leaving certificate or equal as GCE A-level certificates or IB and EB diplomas qualifying for admission to a university or a medical school in the home country.
  • Extended level of knowledge in 2 of the following subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics – documented by the above mentioned school leaving certificates/diplomas. The grades required should be above the average.

The above knowledge is to be verified during the Skype entrance exam.

  • English competency written and spoken confirmed by the respective certificates as CAE, CPE, TOEFL IBT (minimum 75 points), IELTS (min 6.0 points) if the secondary education was not conducted in English.

The command of English of candidates who cannot present any of the above certificates will be assessed during the entrance exam.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Please upload your up-to-date university transcripts to your application together with your high school documents.

3-YEAR B.Sc. Nursing – for high school/secondary school graduates:

  • High school diploma or a secondary school leaving certificate qualifying for admission to a university or a medical school in the home country
  • Extended level of knowledge in one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Mathematics – documented by the above mentioned school leaving certificates/diplomas.
  • The grade required should be above the average. 
  • English competency written and spoken confirmed by the respective certificates as CAE, CPE, TOEFL IBT (minimum 75 points), IELTS (min 6.0 points) if the secondary education was not conducted in English    
  • The command of English of candidates who cannot present any of the above certificates will be assessed during the entrance exam.

Please note that the Nursing program will start only on condition that minimum 36 students will be successfully enrolled to the 1st year.

Preparatory Course – for high school/secondary school graduates

  • High school diploma/secondary school leaving certificate qualifying for admission to a university
  • Extended level of knowledge (advance placement) in 2 of the following subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics – documented by the above mentioned school leaving certificates/diplomas. The grades required should be above the average.
  • English competency written and spoken confirmed by a language certificate or the secondary school transcript


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