University of Opole

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Average cost of living in Poland

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Total average cost: €330

Living in Poland as a student is relatively affordable compared to other European Union countries. The cost of living for students can start from 1500 PLN (330 EUR) a month. However, the prices depend on the city you are currently living in. Living in the capital and tourism city might be slightly expensive than other Polish big cities. On this page, you will find out how much it costs to live in Poland for a month. Please remember, that to be able to study in Poland non-EU/EEA students have to possess sufficient means to cover the living costs.

Living Costs in Polish Big Cities

Some popular cities for study destinations in Poland are Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lodz, and Katowice. Comparison of living costs can be done through monthly expenses for student dormitory and public transportation tickets. Now, let's take a look! Which city offers the most suitable living cost for you?

Documents required to issue the Decision on Conditional Admission (the scans of these documents have to be attached in the Online Registration System (IRK))

1. an application form signed by the candidate and the candidate’s Statement on the delivery of letters in electronic form(printouts from the Online Registration System (IRK));

2. secondary school leaving certificate or matura exam (candidates for BA programmes)

3. original BA or MA diploma (candidates for MA programmes) (certified copies are not acceptable)

4. a digital photo in the IRK (example of photo can be found here)

5. certified translation into English of all documents issued in a language other than English

6. English language proficiency certificate (if required)

7. passport

Documents to submit before the Admission Deadline

1. originals of all the documents listed above

2. certified translation of the documents into English (if issued in other languages)

3. statement proving that the certificate/diploma allows the candidate to study at the university level in the country in which it was issued

4. legalization/apostille of a document of international qualification, issued outside of Poland

5. insurance policy against sickness and accidents for the period of the candidate’s education in Poland, The European Health Insurance Card or a declaration on accession to the Polish National Health fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ) immediately after commencing their education, covering medical costs up to 30 000 EUR

6. one photo (format 35*45) identical to the digital photo uploaded in the IRK system.


● documents that have to be recognized in Poland have to be translated into Polish

● all the documents (paper versions) have to be submitted to the Admission Office before the Admission Deadline

● secondary school certificate and BA or MA diplomas have to be legalized (stamped with apostille)

● Decision on admission issued on the basis of the document scans attached in the system is considered to be CONDITIONAL, and will be revoked should any of the required documents is missing before the Admission Deadline.

Here are some resources to help you continue your study. Our specialist counsellors will also provide you with free and unbiased advice on your study choices in Poland.

Read more on how we compile and present course information and learn more about the information shown here. Study in Poland ThinkNew disclaims all responsibility and liability for any mistakes or omissions in this site's material. To get the most up-to-date and reliable guidance, we always suggest speaking with an Study in Poland ThinkNew  counsellor.


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