GDPR Compliance
Here at M2S Group Sp. z o.o., we take your data privacy and security very seriously. We’re currently preparing for the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is coming into force on May 25, 2018.
Is M2S Group Sp. z o.o. going to comply with GDPR?
Yes, we can guarantee that we will be fully compliant with GDPR regulations by May 24th, 2018.
What exactly is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the result of years of work by the European Union to unify and strengthen data protection for all citizens within EU borders.
GDPR gives you more control over how your data is used, while to us it will constitute a change of the legal environment in which we operate. That makes this change desirable and very beneficial to both parties, regardless of it being mandatory.
Our company is doing everything to ensure that our product, policies, and procedures will be compliant with those regulations before they become enforced on May 25th, 2018.
Feel free to have read from the official GDPR description here: Wikipedia
So how does GDPR work?
First of all, GDPR affects and applies to every single organization that processes the personal data of EU citizens, whether kept within the EU or outside of it. Any person-related information that can be used to identify is subject to GDPR regulation, and its job is to ensure that processing any personal data (collecting, transferring, storage, and use) is made in the most secure way possible.
GDPR is in place to prevent any kind of data leakage or violation and will ensure that every company maximizes its security around customers' data.
What is M2S Group Sp. z o.o. in Poland doing to be prepared?
We want to focus on giving you the tools to choose what you wish to do with the data and to what extent you wish to provide or process it.
We are undergoing an entire process of evolving into a better product by working alongside our attorneys and GDPR advisors, which will ensure that everything is top-notch and fully compliant.
That is not a process that can happen overnight, so we're very grateful for your understanding. Just hang in there, and we’ll be done sooner than you think.
It will require a lot of changes in our company, most of which will not affect you as a customer in any noticeable way. The changes will have no impact on the user-side of things, but we will keep you updated on those nonetheless, so check back for updates soon!
What do I need to do?
This website uses built-in social networking and a chat platform that connects users with other users and customer support. We are collecting email addresses, names, phone numbers, and any other application-related information that the user updates on their profile. The messages and data exchanged are stored within our servers. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.
Here at M2S Group Sp. z o.o., we take your data privacy and security very seriously. We’re currently preparing for the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is coming into force on May 25, 2018.
A few examples of what GDPR requires, imposes, or provides:
Expanded individual rights
GDPR grants expanded rights for individuals in the European Union by allowing them, amongst other things, the right to be forgotten and the right to request a copy of any personal data stored in their database
Compliance obligations
GDPR requires all organizations to implement appropriate security policies, keep records on data activities, and enter into written agreements with vendors to make sure that data is protected.
Data breach notifications
GDPR requires organizations to report certain data breaches to data protection authorities and, under certain circumstances, to the affected data subjects.
New requirements for profiling and monitoring
GDPR imposes additional obligations on all organizations engaged in profiling or monitoring the behavior of EU individuals.
Increased Enforcement
GDPR provides a central point of enforcement for all organizations operating in the EU or processing data of EU individual member states by requiring companies to work with a supervisory authority for cross-border data protection issues.